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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Conlon House Report – Term 1, 2019

From Head of Conlon House, Catherine O’Sullivan

It has been a productive and rewarding term for the young men of Conlon House. As a community we welcomed twenty Year 5 students and their families to the College, and, twenty-six Year 7 boys began their high school journey. We were very competitive in both the Junior and Senior swimming carnivals, the Inter-House ‘Greatest Race’ competition and once again Conlon boys enthusiastically supported the World’s Greatest Shave. We congratulated past Conlon students at the High Achievers assembly, had an overwhelming number of boys receive outstanding Term 1 reports, and, many Conlon students were also acknowledged at a whole school assembly for their co-curricular pursuits.

Our wonderful Wellbeing Mentors continue to provide your son/s with a warm, caring, inclusive and nourishing Wellbeing period each day. This year we welcomed four new mentors; Miss Suzanne Walsh (CO 1), Mr Jean-Paul Boumelhem (CO 4), Mr Matthew Johnson (CO 8 ) and Mr Steven Rosenstrauss (CO 9) We welcomed back; Ms Jennifer Hoare & Mr Anthony Gill (Junior School), Mr Nick Brophy (CO 2), Mr Paul Cornish (CO 3), Mrs Mary Ryan (CO 5), Ms Kaitlyn Downey (CO 6), Mrs Sherri Falkinder (CO 7), Mr Richard Bryant (CO 10) and Mr Chris Blenkinsopp ( CO 11)

Our Prefect leaders for 2019; Oliver Ruse (College Vice-Captain), Lachlan Manastrovski, Max Johnson, Ryan Smith and Hugh Marshall continue to be wonderful role-models for all students. They work together to encourage, lead, inspire and challenge the young men of Conlon to engage and contribute to the rich fabric of life here at the College.

Conlon House Mass
During week 8, together with Fr. Bernie Thomas ofm we celebrated our first evening Mass together as a community. After communion, our Year 12 students were honored with a special ‘Candle Ceremony’. Each Yr 12 student received a candle and we all said a special prayer for their year ahead and for their journey beyond the College. Thank-you to Miss Walsh for inspiring this special ceremony. All students from Years 5 to 12 are to be highly commended on the respectful way in which they participated and contributed to the mass. I have never heard Waverley boys sing so beautifully. It was wonderful that so many parents were able to attend, and, the beautiful supper at the conclusion of Mass provided by the parents was a lovely way to end what was a very meaningful and special evening.

Year Group Activities
Year 7’s first day at the College was shared with their Yr 12 ‘big brothers’ who enjoyed taking them under their wing for the day – sharing their knowledge and ‘insider tips’, playing games, reading timetables, effective use of diaries etc. The Year 12 boys are to be commended on the way they embraced this responsibility, and they will continue to have this close relationship with their ‘little brothers’ during the year.

Later in the term, Year 10 and Year 5 students participated in the first session of the Yr 5/Yr 10 ‘big brother/little brother’ program. Our Yr 10 and Yr 5 boys first spent time together getting to know each other and then playing a game of dodgeball. This is the beginning of a seven-year journey designed to assist with the Year 5’s transition into High School.

The Year 7 camp in week 2 was a great opportunity for the boys to form friendships and to begin their high school journey together with their Conlon peers. The boys had an opportunity to throw themselves into a range of activities – such as raft building, bushwalking, hiking, team building and initiative games. They faced many challenges, but, were always encouraging and supportive of each other. These friendships will serve them well throughout their time at the College, and indeed as the ‘old boys’ of the future.

Our Year 9 boys after only two days of ballroom dancing lessons, attended an evening dance with the students from St Clare’s College. Despite some feeling a little out of their comfort zone, all students are to be commended on their manners, attentiveness, and polished style on the dancefloor during the evening.

In the last week of term the Waverley College Cadet unit and all Year 8 students attended the week-long Cadet Camp. This year the boys were blessed with near perfect weather.

Inter-House Competitions

Conlon performed well in both the Junior (2nd) and Senior (4th) school swimming carnivals. It was great to see so many boys getting in the pool and having a go, regardless of their skill and speed. Our prefects were amazing organisers on the day, ensuring that Conlon had a swimmer in every race. We again placed 2nd in the ‘chant off’, however, there is no denying that Conlon is a house full of spirit and pride.,

After a hiatus of several years, ‘Waverley’s Greatest race’ was once again run. This year, the relay race involved each team including a student from Yr’s 5 to 12. The race depended on both physical and mental prowess. Our Conlon team put in a valiant effort, and, we were very unlucky to be beaten into second place right on the finishing line.


Congratulations to the following boys who received recognition at the recent Summer Sports Awards Assembly:

Peter Cassimatis Yr 11 – Boyd Wright Memorial award – Best Team man

Ryan Smith – Yr 12 – Best Team man
Matthew Frost Yr 7 – Best Team man
Jesse Sonego Yr 10 – scoring over 50
James Hoggett Yr 10 – bowling 5 wickets
Cooper O’Donnell Yr 10 – bowling a hatrick

Touch Football
Kalani Sullivan Yr 7, Christian Dos Santos Yr 9, Reeve Smith Yr 11

Oscar Melder Yr 7, Kai Jones Yr 8, Cuba Kanakis Yr 9

Water Polo – Joshua Magadas Yr 11

Table Tennis – George Vouros Yr 10

Surf Life Saving – Daniel Lambert Yr 12 -Best & Fairest

Congratulations also to Calam Baird, Yr 10 who represented NSW in the Under 18 Hockey championships, and, Ash Backlund who was selected to play in the CAS basketball team.

During the holidays some Conlon boys will be travelling overseas; Hayden Wild on the S.T.E.M tour to the United States, and, Charlie Barber, Miles Amatosero, Hunter Keyes-Ahern, Hugh Johnson, Max D’agostino, Max Johnson and Emmanuel di Bartolo on the Rugby tour to Japan. We wish all boys a safe and happy journey.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and guardians for their continued support and to sincerely wish you a happy, safe and holy Easter break.