From Head of Conlon House, Catherine O’Sullivan
The Conlon House motto will be put to the ultimate test when teachers Ms Mary Ryan and Mr Nick Brophy take on the challenge of running 100K across The Blue Mountains in this year’s Ultra Trail Australia 100 on 20 May.
The aim is to raise funds for the chosen charity of Conlon House, ‘Eddie’s Camps’. Edmund Rice Camps NSW is a “profit-for-purpose” organisation, providing recreational holiday experiences for disadvantaged children aged 6-14 years who would not otherwise be able to enjoy them.
The Wellbeing Mentors and the young men of Conlon House in both the Senior and Junior school, along with Head of House, Ms Cathy O Sullivan, would like to call upon the entire Waverley community and beyond to get behind this great cause.
On Friday Conlon House will be fundraising for Eddie’s Camps.
All boys in Conlon House are requested to bring a gold coin. There will be a challenge between Yrs 5, 7, 9 & 11 and Yrs 6, 8, 10 & 12 to see which group ‘odds’ or ‘evens’ can make the longest line of gold coins. (There will be a reward for the victors).
A fundraising page has also been set up. Please donate using the following link:
We thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

Nick Brophy and Mary Ryan