Image: courtesy NSW Health
Year 10 vaccinations are fast approaching – Wednesday, 3 April 2024!
SESLHD has advised that we currently only have 30% of students consented for the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine. This is a nationally-recommended vaccine and is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
*If your child is unable to attend this particular date, they will be able to present on 31 July 2024 during the Year 7 vaccination day. Please make the School Nurse aware.
All students must have parents’/carers’ consent before vaccinations can be administered. To provide consent, please click this LINK.
Please note;
- Disruptions to the online system can occur, affecting online consent, we advise to try again later in the day.
- Parents can check their child’s vaccination through myGov and Medicare.
- Parents need to advise school if they have already received the vaccine.
- Parents can provide consent at any time, including before and during a clinic.
- Parents can edit online consent 24 hours before a clinic.
- Existing online consent is locked within 24 hours of a clinic and during the clinic.
- For students unable to complete online consent due to no Medicare or online access, paper consent is available from the Health Care Centre at Waverley College.
View the vaccinations flyer in this LINK.
If you have any concerns or queries please contact the school registered nurses, as we are happy to assist in any way we can.
Warm regards,
Ms Emma Quirk and Ms Julia Ritoli
Registered Nurses