Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation - Mr Simon Potter
As we enter another week of NSW Stay at Home orders Waverley will be enacting its COVID-19 safe plan. This will mean the following: only Parents with a pre-booked appointment can attend either the Senior or Junior Campuses. Entry is through the Reception areas, all other gates will be secured. On entering school grounds, all parents, students and staff must check-in using the site-specific QR codes which are displayed. For students who do not have access to the NSW Service app, a sign in book will be used. Hand sanitisers should be used and face masks must be worn at all times.
As ever, the following must be observed, please do not attend school grounds if any of the following apply: you have been in contact with a suspected COVID-19 case, you have attended any of the listed NSW hotspot venues, are feeling unwell or are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.
Mr Simon Potter
Director of ICT, Innovation & Campus
E: spotter@waverley.nsw.edu.au