Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Cadet of the Week
Congratulations to Cadets of the Week, CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL and CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL, who have been demonstrating excellent leadership and initiative in their respective platoons, responding to challenging circumstances with maturity and innovation, and setting high standards as they lead by example.

CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL

CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL
CyberTaipan Competition
On Sunday, a team of dedicated cadets represented the Cadet Unit by participating in the annual CSIRO CyberTaipan Competition. This is a national cyber defence competition designed to inspire students to further their education in STEM subjects.
Teams of students nationwide are provided with a set of virtual images that represent different operating systems. Over a six-hour period, they receive points for finding and fixing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Of the 132 teams competing on Sunday, our cadets came 37th and had great fun while they were doing it. We congratulate:
- CPL Isobel Killcross
- CPL Julia Mallam
- CPL Liam McEvoy
- SGT Paul Muir
for their enthusiasm and commitment to this event. Thank you to LT(AAC) Muir and DS Hodge for their guidance and mentorship in leading the team.
Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits
Thank you to all Year 8 parents who have now completed the Cadet Uniform Measurement Form. Uniform and equipment will be bagged up and issued to your sons upon the Year 8 return to school in November.
Lunge for Legacy
A huge thank you to everyone in the Unit for raising $2,690 towards the Lunge for Legacy Activity. These funds will assist the 500 families who are suffering from the loss of their Veteran to suicide. Lunge for Legacy is still open until the end of September. Keep logging your lunges to reach your Company’s targets, while serving the community in this meaningful way. Thus far, we have collectively done 17,000 lunges!

RHQ in the middle of their lunges on Friday
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au