Debating has gained steady popularity as a co-curricular winter activity at Waverley
From the Convenor of Debating, Cassandra Hill
The final round of CAS Debating took place on Friday night against Cranbrook. This has been one of our most successful debating seasons to date. CAS is very competitive and students need to argue topical and controversial issues. Sometimes students need to argue against their own personal opinion which shows a high level of intelligence and maturity. These topics are received only an hour before the debate. Some of the topics are below:
Year 7: “That Australia should only accept refugees from serious conflict zones”
Year 8/9: “That we should ban Australians from holidaying in countries with poor human rights records”
Year 10: “That the international community should never pay ransoms to terrorist groups
Senior: “That Australia needs a great and powerful friend.”
These topics require students to regularly read newspapers, watch current affairs programs and be knowledgeable about a range of issues. On top of this, students need to speak eloquently and much of the time, their speeches must be improvised in response to the opposition team’s arguments. A great deal of teamwork is needed to cooperate in the preparation room and at the debate desk.
We are so proud of every single team this year. Particular congratulations go to Year 7 who won all but one debate in their B division. This should make them CAS champions.
I encourage all students to consider taking part in debating in 2018.