From the Deputy Head of College, Graham Leddie
Good start for our Year 12s
HSC Hub provides our Year 12s with access to countless lessons and tutorials related to preparation for the HSC. Feedback on our Year 12s utilisation of this resource has been very positive recently with them watching a total of 500 videos (that’s 84% more than the week before). Of those, 54% of views were outside of school hours, 46% were during school hours. Please encourage your son to have a study program over the Christmas holidays. Hard work early in Year 12 will pay off at the end.
Orientation Day
Our recent Year 7 Orientation Day was a good test for some of the changes that are being developed in our Wellbeing program. The new Year 7s were met by their respective Head of House and House Prefects. They spent the day together working across 4 diverse programs, shared a BBQ Lunch by the pool and participated in some friendly swimming competitions and tests. Feedback from the boys and parents was very positive.
Year 10 Outdoor Education
Our Year 10 campers are going well. Although some boys find camp rigorous, the experience is a great opportunity for boys to challenge themselves and contemplate where they are at in their life’s journey. How ourstudents understand and experience nature has changed radically compared to when most of us were growing up. Most boys simply do not get as much physical contact or intimacy with nature compared to our experiences. This is why an outdoor education program is even more valuable and is supported by a growing body of research which links our mental, physical and spiritual health directly to our association with nature.
Advice for Parents / Carers regarding Schoolies
I know as parents we all worry about what might happen and what the schoolies might get up to, but it is important to keep things in perspective. The media reports on problems, bad behaviour and crime – having a good time does not make good headlines.
Practical tips for schoolies
- ID is essential, wear it at all times and don’t fake it – large fines apply
- Budget your money so that you don’t run out of funds
- Put the address of where you are staying in your phone – it can be difficult to find at night. Keep credit on your phone
- Make sure you have your “in case of an emergency” contact details stored in your phone under the heading ICE – Paramedics know to look for this
- Eat before or while drinking alcohol. Parents, run through a few simple meals that can be prepared quickly like spaghetti bolognese, tacos, toasted sandwiches in the frying pan, etc.
- Remember if you drink – alcohol is a depressant – it slows your ability to think, speak and move.
- Simply say ‘No’ to drugs – you have no idea what you are taking. Remember paramedics are there to help you and not to report you, so be honest if you or a friend have used drugs.
- Mixing drugs and alcohol is very dangerous.
- Obviously those caught selling or supplying drugs will be prosecuted.
- Be careful about posting images on social media. Police have said that this is their number 1 concern this year. Charges are most likely to be laid against young people who coerced or forced others to take the indecent images. You could face child pornography charges if the photograph or footage is of someone under the age of 18
- It’s OK to walk away from confrontation. Talk your way out of situations and move away quickly. Remember, not too many good decisions get made after midnight.
- Drink plenty of water – visit the Recharge zones for free water
- Keep an eye on your drink – never leave it unattended. If you think a friend has had their drink spiked get them medical attention. Don’t leave them alone with a stranger.
- Stay with your mates
- No means NO – unwanted sexual behaviour is a crime
- Have a conversation with your son about the need for protection from STIs
- Be especially careful on a balcony – no balcony hopping/planking
- Wear sunscreen. Stay safe in the surf. Don’t swim alone, at night or if drunk. Don’t play “holding breath” games underwater or similar as this has ended in tragedy recently
- Avoid getting a tattoo, especially overseas where infection control and quality standards are not enforced.
- Keep your accommodation locked to avoid theft and watch your valuables on the beach
- Don’t be afraid to call 000 if necessary.
Schoolies venues have wonderful volunteers and professional people to help look after you. Look out for the Red Frog volunteers 1300 557 123 who provide support, pancake breakfasts, a walk home service and of course red frogs! They are now also in Bali and Fiji. Check out their website https://www.redfrogs.com.au/
If travelling overseas make sure you have travel insurance, make copies of your travel documents and make sure you know the penalties for breaking the rules and laws in the country you are visiting. Avoid contact with dogs in overseas islands because of the risk of rabies and always seek medical attention early if bitten.
Sunshine State Fines (QLD)
- Drinking in a public place (18 years and over): $121
- Underage drinking or possession of liquor in a public place, even if you’re holding a drink for your friend who is over 18: $365
- Being under 18 and found on licensed premises: $365
- If you’re 18 and you supply alcohol to your underage mates you could face a fine of $9,752
- Buying alcohol over the internet is also illegal if you’re under 18. A maximum court imposed fine of $2,200, or an on-the-spot penalty of $220 applies
- In Queensland, 17 year olds have their drug offences determined in the adult court system
- If you use a friend’s ID you can be fined $365
- If you make and use a fake ID you may be fined $243 on the spot. All fake IDs will be confiscated.
Parents – let your son know that you can be contacted 24 hours a day for any reason and that you will always listen and help. If they feel the reaction will be anger they probably won’t call. Be positive. Tell them to have a fantastic time and return safely!
For more great info check out the Schoolies webpage and this Parents Schoolies Factsheet