The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award continues at the College, with many students on track towards completing their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.
Paramount to the Duke of Edinburgh International Award is individual ownership and responsibility towards achieving goals in a Skill, Physical Activity and Voluntary Service. The onus will be on our gentlemen to ensure they are meeting the expectations and demands associated with completing their Award, utilising the many resources available to them through the College.
Lunchtime meetings are currently being held for all students involved with the Award. This is a great opportunity to stay on track with all logs and due diligence. Lunchtime meetings are held in N31, Thursday Week B.
Expressions of interest are now open for boys currently in Year 8. More information and details will be provided to the whole cohort in Term 4, however all boys are welcome to attend lunchtime meetings and/or be in touch via email regarding involvement in the Award.
For all enquiries please contact:
Mr Alon Horry: ahorry@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Laura McLarnon: lmclarnon@waverley.nsw.edu.au