At the end of the year the laptops held in Years 12, 10, 9 and 6 are at the end of lease. You will have received an email asking you to nominate to either purchase or return the laptop.
The deadline for nomination and payment is 3pm Friday, 27 October 2023, if a nomination and payment is not provided by this time, the laptop must be returned to the College.
Incase you cannot locate the email, the links for both payment and nomination are below:
Year 12
Link to nominate: Y12 2023 LAPTOP NOMINATION FORM
Link to payment: Payment Portal Link
Year 10
Link to nominate: Y10 2023 LAPTOP NOMINATION
Link to payment: Payment Portal Link
Year 9
Link to nominate: Y9 2023 LAPTOP NOMINATION
Link to payment: Payment Portal Link
Year 6
Link to nominate: Y06 2022 LAPTOP NOMINATION
Link to payment: Payment Portal Link
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the process further please email iAssist@waverley.nsw.edu.au