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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


End of Winter 2020 Co-Curricular Season

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

From Director of Co-Curricular, Mr Steve O’Donnell

A huge thank you to all convenors, staff, coaches, parents and students for your patience and resilience over the challenging winter 2020 co-curricular season.

There were many highlights, including a huge improvement in Volleyball. The 1sts AFL had an undefeated CAS premiership, as did our 1sts and 2nds Rugby. The grit and determination shown by our Year 12 2020 cohort in their display and application was commendable. There have been great improvements across all activities, including debating, theatresports, Chess, Music ensembles and Media Group.

Thank you to all parents and members of the College community for demonstrating dedication in keeping the wider community safe under the current restrictions, and well done to all of our award winners. You can access the full list of award winners here.

Well done, also, to those students selected for the CAS Merit sides in Volleyball, AFL, Football and Rugby in 2020. Please click here for further details.

Lastly, best wishes and a huge thank you to Year 12 for your co-curricular efforts throughout your time at Waverley, and thank you to our Year 12 parents also. Your contributions have been amazing in so many areas.

Track and Field

This week, we have also commenced our pre-season for summer, as well as Track and Field. Despite no invitationals or CAS Championships for Athletics this year, we want to maintain the great momentum in this area moving forward.

Congratulations to our Track and Field captains for 2020:

  • Josh Conacher-Smith
  • Alex Talbot
  • Ullhas Dey

Any student in Years 5 to 12 is welcome to join the squad for training over the next three weeks. Maintaining physical activity is critical for student wellbeing and positive mental health.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Congratulations to the following students, who received their Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards.


  • Cooper O’Donnell
  • Oli Goodrum
  • Conor Cahill
  • Max Leedham
  • Benjamin Finega
  • Brandon Reid


  • Ullhas Dey