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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Academic Curriculum

Green House Report – End of Year Reflection, Term 4 2018


As we reflect on a meaningful and encouraging year, each student in Green house should think deeply about how their approach to learning, mentoring and relationships at Waverley have shaped their experiences. Through their approaches to learning we hope that students build on their knowledge, skills, attitudes, perspectives and character.

Most of the current research demonstrates that the key attributes to success for the 21st century learner are:

  • Creativity and imagination
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Information and technology literacy
  • Social responsibility
  • Global and cultural awareness
  • Leadership and initiative
  • Emotional intelligence

Here at Waverley, social learning and emotional intelligence underpins what each student engages in at the start of each day. Learning together, sharing information and supporting each other are key facets for students as they engage in student lead initiatives empowering students to create change within their community. We see examples of this with the Green House White Ribbon Day March. When Waverley became advocates for White Ribbon Day, the students embraced the opportunity to stand up and be counted for a cause that matters.

Our Wellbeing program was developed in line with the needs of 21st century learners and constructed to help each boy understand their strengths and how to value them. They have been taught skills and attitudes to overcome setbacks under the concept of a ‘Growth Mindset.’ This will allow them to be patient and persistent in achieving their goals. While this learning takes time, the long-term goal is life changing for students that welcome this way of thinking. I would recommend further reading in this area for parents or students alike, especially from the researcher Carol S. Dweck.

As I see it, in partnership with parents, it is our role as teachers to shape the minds and hearts of our young people to be contributors and active citizens of the world of tomorrow. I believe strongly that we at Waverley are providing education designed to encourage the growth of our young men who will ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8) and build an even better world before them. And hopefully, through all these lessons, each student learns that ‘the manly thing’ will always be defined by integrity, compassion, faith and wisdom. Because Waverley boys will all eventually discover, that ‘Virtue is its own reward.’

Green House has enjoyed a rewarding 2018, with students enthusiastically engaging in a wide variety of House and College events. All Green students from Years 5 to 12 and their Wellbeing Mentors can be congratulated for the way they have developed relationships and challenged themselves. The end of the term in particular has seen some wonderful examples of friendship and leadership from within Green House as boys of all ages have engaged in a variety of exciting experiences.

During term 4, Ms Gemma Brown was Acting Head of Green House, we thank her for taking this role. During that period, my wife and I were lucky enough to welcome a new member to our family, Cooper Gregory Coleman. Thanks for all the parents, staff and students for their well wishes.

Farewell to Green House class of 2018 – Always have strength in unity

As we farewell our Year 12 Green students class of 2018, I can’t help but look back at the journey they have travelled in their time as Waverley College Students. For some it is a journey that began in 2011 at the Junior School, while welcoming many others at the start of Year 7 in 2013.

It has been a journey of many triumphs, adversity and success. The men they have become is a testament to the support the students have received from parents, guardians, teachers, friends and multiple other influences in their life. We have been lucky, as a school, to be an important part of their story so far, and know they will have success wherever they seek to travel and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

They do this with the support of their parents, providing them with the opportunity for the quality education by attending Waverley College. By choosing Waverley College, the boys have become learners, social justice advocates, sportsmen, debaters, friends, and transitioned to adulthood.

Dominic Augoustis
Tom Bower
Daniel Brown
Anthony Candi
Allan Cannes
Daniel Chow
Max Coleman
Louie Cosgrove
Lucas Dedes
Johnathan Edwards
Nathan Higgs
Nicholas Kalitsis
Kye LLewellyn
Charles McGrath
Thomas McMah
Baxter Oleksyn
Ben Scarf
Benjamin Stopic
Thomas Wood
Jamie Worthington
Mitchell Zervos

Congratulations as well to our 2018 Year 12 leadership team. We were lucky to have 6 leaders in Green House this year. They were exceptional in their support of the programs we ran and we were very lucky to be blessed with such capable young men that will no doubt be future leaders in their careers/lives after year 12. Thank you very much gentleman for your incredible work this year.

Green House 2018 Leaders:

Allan Cannes
Ben Scarf
Daniel Chow
Daniel Brown
Dominic Augoustis
Nathan Higgs

We welcomed our 2019 Prefects at the end of term 3. Congratulations to the following students who will be leading the house:

Luke Marshall
Alexander Bayas
Remi de Fina-Sperando
Rocco Evans

Junior School

Our program in 2018 saw Green house Junior School students and Senior School students spending more time together. It was fantastic to get to know our Junior School cohorts who we know in the coming years will be outstanding members of Green.

I would like to thank our Junior School staff for 2018 – Stephen Ghattas and Gabrielle Bransby – for all their efforts. They have been integral to ensuring the Junior School Green students are a part of Green House and they went above and beyond what is expected of them consistently this year. Thanks for your support. We are lucky to have such amazing junior school staff working with Green House.

2019 Year 7 Orientation Day

The Year 7 orientation day took place during November. It was great to see so many faces from the junior school and other primary schools around Sydney. While they started out nervously, some fun games and activities managed to bring them closer together. Our 2018 students have set the bar high and I look forward to next year’s group taking this mantle and improving it even more.

Green Year Group Activities


Congratulations to our Years 7 to 10 students for completing their exams in such a determined way this year. While there may have been some trepidation and anxiety beforehand, it was impressive to see the students apply themselves in preparation for their senior exams. All students should work on getting into good study habits early in 2019. A study timetable is highly recommended and if students need support for this process, I ask them to come and see myself or our Green House Academic Prefect.

Year 7 Camp- 5th – 7th February

Our year 7 students were involved in an outdoor learning program during term 1, the focus was on team building and for the boys to step outside their comfort zone. It was a great chance for students to get to know each other as they started their journey at Waverley. As their Head of House, it was also a great chance to get to know each student. It was a very enjoyable experience, and each boy will have gained valuable friendships from their time away.

(Year 7 Camp – 2018)

Cadet Camp – 18 March – 22nd March

The Waverley College Cadet Unit took part in another valuable camping experience this year. Thanks to all the teachers that took part as well as our year 8 students that had their first experience at what the WCCU has to offer.

Year 9 and 10 Camp

Year 9 and 10 students successfully completed their outward bound learning experience at Somerset Camp. The students were met with some outstanding weather, and while there was some slight drizzle, the evenings were perfect as students sat around the campfire to discuss the daily activities and to laugh with friends. Our theme for our camp was ‘Stepping up, Stepping out,’ and it was overwhelming to see the cohort take this on board with each activity. Students managed to step up into leadership and step out of their comfort zone, lessons we hope for the cohort to take into their senior years.

The students took part in a variety of activities, ranging from high ropes, to kayaking and canoeing, with everyone being provided with a chance to overcome adversity and face hardship along the way. The highlights were varied and many, from the groups that paddled 30km along the Colo river, to the group that trekked close to 100km, each opportunity created a great sense of achievement for all the students involved. Several of the camp leaders and teachers commented on the way the students collaborated together in difficult situations and developed an understanding about respect towards others as the week progressed.

In 2017, Waverley College introduced a Duke of Edinburgh program under the guidance of Ms Brown, Ms Alborough and Mr Brophy and this continued in 2018. We had one group endeavour to complete part of their bronze award during the year 10 camp. When visiting the Duke of Ed group, it was great to see them working together as a team in planning the activities for the next day. Each student was required to map their trek using only the coordinates that had been provided. It was fantastic to see the leadership and drive by each of the students involved in the program as they pushed towards completing their Duke program for the year.

I would like to congratulate both cohorts, who demonstrated incredible resolve and character throughout. Each student faced their own difficulties on camp and hopefully the lessons they learnt will be lifelong and rewarding.

I would like to thank all the Waverley families, for allowing the students, to take part in such an important part of their learning experience. Some lessons can only be taken outside the classroom and camp provides those.

Thanks must also go to year 9 and 10 students for the mature and focused way they approached the year. It was a great way to end the year for this cohort who continue to show their exceptional potential as our college leaders of the future.

(Year 10 Camp)

Year 12 Retreat/HSC begins

Year 12 students started their HSC courses this year and it was been encouraging to see the focus and determination of the students. They have matured significantly since the start of the year and should be commended for their personal growth and application in the classroom.

Green House Events  

White Ribbon Launch

At a whole school assembly Green House launched our White Ribbon awareness campaign for 2018. A giant white ribbon made by our TAS teachers(Mr Kyle Newbury and Mr Richard Bryant) enabled the boys to sign their support for standing up against domestic violence. It was a great start to our annual White Ribbon campaign.

White Ribbon Walk – 23rd November

On Friday 23 November, Green House took part in the annual White Ribbon Day walk from Randwick to Coogee. It was overwhelming to see the students, parents and staff taking a stand and making their voices heard. Talking to the students in Green House during the walk, they mentioned they felt part of something bigger and that by taking part they were making an impact on social issues in the community. Each student in Green has been able to take part in an important social justice initiative and this will be the focus for Green House for years to come.

I would especially like to thank our Green Prefects for coordinating, fundraising and advocating for this cause so passionately. For the boys in our younger years, look to our leaders for inspiration and motivation when you need it, they have been monumental.

We also had quite a few parents that came to walk with their sons. Their involvement shows the​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ importance of the students taking a stand on this issue and the support behind us from our parents at Waverley. It was inspiring seeing parents taking part in such a significant event.

I would like to thank the following staff for their attendance on Friday and for taking part in the event, their involvement allows students to see the importance of these events in the college community.  We are lucky to have such motivated staff at Waverley and again, these staff members went above and beyond with their participation on Friday morning.

Staff involved:

  • Gary Kennedy
  • Kathryn Knowles
  • Belinda Buchan
  • Kyle Newbury
  • Katia Iturrieta
  • Tony Moore
  • Phoebe Guirguis
  • Nehal Badiani
  • Patrick Darvill
  • Matthew Porter
  • Geraldine Cullen
  • Patricia Alborough
  • Graham Leddie
  • Gemma Brown
  • Stephen Ghattas
  • Matt Johnstone

Our Wellbeing Prefect, Alex Bayas spoke to school at an assembly in November, and I will use his powerful words to encourage the young men of Waverley to stand up and take action:

“We can change this public health issue through respect. Respect is the foundation for which we can build a society, where violence against women is eliminated. Therefore We must all, do everything we can to create a culture of respect and that starts with the men and boys standing here today and  in our wider community.

I challenge you; Men and boys to stand beside women to deliver the change we all need. Remembering that All of us can make a difference, and White Ribbon Day is an opportunity for us to stand up and speak out to end violence and disrespect towards women.

We must understand that young men form opinions and often use language based on the influences surrounding them whether that be sporting heros,  music they listen to, or the language  used by  their mates. The actions of these various influences and the language young people hear can often be dehumanising, and objectifying towards women.

If This language breeds a culture that disrespects women, it is clear to me that in order to eradicate domestic violence men must change this type of  language  when talking about women.”

White Ribbon BBQ

After the launch of our white Ribbon Campaign we held a BBQ at the start of November.

Prefects and SRC members organised and set up the event and should be congratulated for their efforts. I would like to thank all the other students that gave their time to support this event.

Thank you to all the students that helped to set up this inaugural event and students that put their hands at up various times through term 4 to make this event so successful.

Green Leadership

I want to thank the exceptional work of our new House Prefects. The tireless work they have done has been consistently above and beyond what is expected of them. They should be commended on their incredible work. All Green students should look to them for motivation and inspiration over the next 12 months. Congratulations on the work you have done so far.

Green Prefects: Wellbeing Alex Bayas; Community Luke Marshall; Academic Remi Defina-Sperando, Spiritual Rocco Evans.

I would like to congratulate the following Green students for their leadership roles in our summer teams:

Diving Captain: Marco Coleman

1st IV Tennis Captain: Patrick Smith


2019 Green House Events

While 2018 is over, we are already looking forward to our 2019 program with excitement.

Green House will host a breakfast in term 1 as a starting point for the year, more information will be provided next year, but I look forward to meeting many parents again or for the first time at a special coming together.

Our big brother/little brother program has been redesigned for 2019. Year 10 students will be expected to take part and will be integral supporters of our junior school students. They will have time allocated to them during enrichment periods to spend some time supporting junior school students through a variety of activities and events. Hopefully this enables year 10 students to take on some leadership roles as they push to become Prefects and leaders further down the track.

Green House will continue its empowerment committee in 2019 under the guidance of our Wellbeing and Spiritual Prefects. Student applications will be sent out early in term 1.

Green House will also continue our study group in 2019 under the guidance of Green House Academic Prefects.  Green House will yet again participate in the White Ribbon Walk in 2019 and all parents will be invited to attend the day. It is one of the highlights of the year seeing so many boys becoming advocates for such a significant cause.

More information about these events will be distributed next year.


Green House would not be the place it is without the support we have from our incredible mentors. Through the development of the wellbeing program this year, it has been exciting to see our Green mentors developing and engaging with the wellbeing curriculum. Our students are lucky to be greeted by your smile every morning and I sincerely wanted to thank you all for your work this year.

2018 Green Mentors

  • Green 1: Tony Moore
  • Green 2: Jannet Markey
  • Green 3: Jon Walker
  • Green 4: Gary Kennedy
  • Green 5: Kathryn Knowles
  • Green 6: Dominic Hearne
  • Green 7: Katia Iturrieta
  • Green 8: Belinda Buchan
  • Green 9: Patrick Darvill
  • Green 10: Nehal Badiani
  • Green 11: Phoebe Guirguis

Junior School Mentors

  • Stephen Ghattas
  • Gabrielle Bransby

I also want to thank every student for embracing our wellbeing focus this year. Everyday I make it my aim to talk to as many Green students as possible. I enjoy these conversations because the students in Green have welcomed me as their mentor and leader throughout their time at Waverley. Thanks for our daily conversations and discussions about the day ahead, they are one of the highlights of my role as Head of Green House.

Finally I want to thank all the parents of Green students. Your support is consistently overwhelming and we are so lucky to have you as part of the Green family. I wish the best of luck to those parents that are moving on or to a different school and look forward to making memories with parents and students in 2019.