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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Enrichment Opportunities 2024

Middle School Ethics Olympiad

Ethics Olympiad

Dear Parents/ Carers and Students in Years 7 – 8,

Our Years 7 and 8 Enrichment Classes are stand-alone curriculum programs that seek to extend students beyond the standard curriculum who exhibit learner readiness for additional challenges. Student placement in these classes are reviewed each Semester based on academic performance, classroom application and classroom engagement.

We use the TrackOne data system to triangulate quantitative and qualitative data to identify the top 52 students of the cohort. This comprehensive identification process is only available to us at the end of each Semester, once report and assessment data is available. Until this point, we encourage parents/carers to monitor their child’s progress through assessment data, available in the TASS Parent Lounge Analytic Dashboard and on CANVAS.

Tournament of Minds

Tournament of Minds

The high school learning process is a journey that can fluctuate, as such, we are committed to monitoring the academic growth and potential of every student. Beyond our Enrichment Classes, interested students are welcome to join our Enrichment Co-curricular Programs including, 

  • DaVinci Decathlon
  • Ethics Olympiad
  • Tournament of Minds 
  • Public Speaking and Debating.
Our first round of the CSDA (Catholic Schools' Debating Association) competition against Marcellin College was highly successful, seeing wins across both junior and senior teams. Congratulations to our Year 7 team who turned up ready to debate with poise and confidence in their first Senior School debating competition.


Literacy, Numeracy and Science Support Available – Before and After School

To assist students to achieve their learning goals the College runs Literacy, Numeracy and Science support for Years 7-10 via the Co-Curricular program in the Senior Library before and after school.

  • Literacy – Monday and Tuesday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
  • Numeracy – Wednesday and Thursday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm.
  • Science – Wednesday and Friday mornings, 7:30am – 8:30am.

We will communicate different academic opportunities that arise for our students and thank you for your interest and support of our program. 

Image: courtesy Knox Grammar

Da Vinci Decathlon. Image: courtesy Knox Grammar