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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


EREA Galilee Formation Program

Australian Catholic Youth Festival

From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis

Staff Formation

Over the past two weeks, seventeen Waverley College staff members have attended the EREA Galilee formation program for staff new to EREA institutions, or staff wishing to find out a bit more about the connections between EREA schools and other institutions.

Last Monday and Tuesday, Ms Alborough, Mr Bryant, Ms Iturrieta, Mr Sammut, Mr Sheehan, Mr Thompson and Mr Spooner attended the EREA Galilee Program at Mulgoa, while this week Mr Stanbrook, Ms Cutbush, Ms Hill, Ms Jordan, Ms Kite, Mr Lu, Mr McCormack, Ms Scarf, Ms Sucur and Ms Walker attended over Monday and Tuesday. I would like to thank these staff for their involvement and enthusiasm regarding the Galilee Program.


Australian Catholic Youth Festival – Volunteers required

Adult Volunteers are needed for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival which will take place 7-9 December 2017 mainly at Homebush. Welcomers, Way-Finders, Ushers, Help Desk, Marshals, etc are required.  See for more information.


Catholic Care

Catholic Care Family Support Services help families in the Sydney Archdiocese who may be struggling with managing daily life. To find out more call 13 18 19 or email