Senior Ethics Olympiad
Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that the most important human endeavour is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it.
We are so fortunate at Waverley to have students who eagerly seek to refine their skills in the dynamics of rigorous discussion. 12 of our students competed in this year’s Senior Ethics Olympiad against other teams from across New South Wales.
The very nature of this senior competition meant that the teams came to the day with a wealth of experience and knowledge. To rank highly in the competition, our teams had to marry their knowledge of ethical frameworks with advanced reasoning skills, to demonstrate a complex ability to interact eloquently and respectfully with opposing teams.
And our boys did not disappoint! The following students are to be commended on their outstanding ability to bring integrity and high regard for logical debate to the day, resulting in both teams receiving honourable mentions from the adjudicators and ranking 4th and 6th of the 19 teams that participated on the day.
Congratulations: Kayden Baker, James Birbas, Oscar Danta, Archie Godby, Yannick Hott, Ewan McDonald, James Medland, Lachlan Miranda, James Peate, Campbell Porteous, Anton Svenson, Zoltahn Szabo.
A big thank you to Mr Bill Roberts, Ms Lauren Ryan, and our hard working canteen and iAssist teams for making sure the Olympiad runs as smoothly as possible.