Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation - Mr Simon Potter
As you are aware, we have just completed the deployment of MacBooks for Year 10. As part of the iLearn package, we have partnered with FamilyZone to provide CyberSafety software that you can use to manage your son’s online activity whilst away from school. We still manage this when they are at school.
The FamilyZone application is pre-installed on the school device, and we will ‘onboard’ parent email addresses with FamilyZone in the next few weeks. You will then receive an email prompting you to register to enable you to use the software. If you do not wish to receive the registration email, and you would rather not take up this offer, please email it@waverley.nsw.edu.au by Friday, 26 November, stating that you wish to opt out of the Family Zone program.
Further information around FamilyZone and some tips and tricks regarding CyberSafety can be found below at the Waverley College FamilyZone hub:
>>> Click here to view the Waverley College FamilyZone hub.
You can also view the FamilyZone flyer, which has a support contact number should you have any questions or issues setting up your account once you have registered.
>>> Click here to view the FamilyZone flyer about support for parents.
This is a service provided for free by Waverley College as part of our iLearn program.
Mr Simon Potter
Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation
E: spotter@waverley.nsw.edu.au