Graham Leddie, Head of College
From the Head of College, Graham Leddie
Congratulations to the 2017 HSC students, they have conducted themselves very well over the last few weeks. Mr Col Blake (WCOBU 1962) has been the HSC Presiding Officer for the College for 20 HSC years. Col has stated that he thinks they are the best he has seen in terms of manners, focus and application. We obviously all hope this converts into good results. We wish the boys all the best as they transition to their next step in life. The College hosts a HSC BBQ on the 15th of December for all the boys to return one last time this year.
Tuition Fee Changes
I was informed earlier this year by the Minister for Education and Training, Simon Birmingham, that Waverley College would be one of the independent Catholic schools that would experience a 14% (in today’s dollars) reduction in government funding over a ten year period. Waverley College is one of approximately 46 independent Catholic schools, including Kincoppal and Loreto Kirribilli, which were identified under the new ‘Gonski 2.0’ funding program as ‘over-funded’. This calculation was based on a number of factors, including Socioeconomic Status (SES) data for each individual school.
Our 2018 budget has recently been recommended by the Waverley College Board for approval by Edmund Rice Education Australia. Despite the recent reduction in Commonwealth Government funding, I am pleased to announce that the College has been able to limit the tuition fee increase to 6.5% across all year levels. This increase is lower than many other schools (according to recent media articles) and has been achieved by making a number of non core business savings to keep these fee increases to a minimum despite this loss of Commonwealth Government funding. I will be writing to all families in the near future to provide full details about the 2018 fees.
Staffing News
I am pleased to announce that two important executive positions at the College have now been finalised. Mr Stephen O’Donnell has been appointed Director of Co-curriculum. Stephen has been Head of Senior Sport at Waverley since 2010 and has been Acting Director of Co-curriculum for 2017.
Ms Phoebe Guirguis has been appointed Head of Mathematics, having Acted in the role for more than 12 months.
We wish both Phoebe and Stephen all the best in their respective positions.
Congratulations also to Mr Greg Elliot who has been appointed to the position of CAS Cricket Coach.
Prime Minister’s XI Australian Cricket Team
Congratulations to Jason Sangha of Year 12, who has been selected in the Australian Cricket team to play the International England side currently touring.
New Head for Knox Grammar announced
On behalf of Waverley College, I would like congratulate Mr John Weeks, Headmaster of Knox Grammar on his 15 years service to his school community. John has announced his retirement this week at the end of Term 1 2018. Congratulations to Mr Scott James who has been named as the next Headmaster. Scott is the current Deputy Headmaster at the College and is a progressive thinker and dynamic educational leader. I look forward to working him in this new capacity next year.
Parent Association AGM
I encourage parents and carers to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Waverley College Parent Association on Tuesday 14 November at 7pm on Level 4 (Fitzgerald Room) of the Administration Building, Senior Campus.
All Executive Committee positions will be declared vacant and elections will be conducted for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Year 5 Parent Representative
- Year 6 Parent Representative
- Year 7 Parent Representative
- Year 8 Parent Representative
- Year 9 Parent Representative
- Year 10 Parent Representative
- Year 11 Parent Representative
- Year 12 Parent Representative
- Past Students Parent Representative
This year three members of the Executive Committee will be stepping down after serving in their roles for several years. Retiring will be: President, Greg Bodkin; Secretary, Kathy Davies; and Treasurer, Christina Fragias.
This is a great opportunity for you to contribute to the school and its community.
Tevlin students inspired to support the homeless
Last Friday, Tevlin students were fortunate to hear at their House Assembly from Mr Paul Longobardi from the St Vincent DePaul Society. One important service of Vinnies is the Matthew Talbot Hostel. This hostel in Woolloomooloo and other Australian locations provides accommodation, food, health, counselling and employment support for thousands of men each year who are experiencing homelessness or other difficulties. Boys were challenged to better understand the different types and factors involved with homelessness, and realise all people’s desire to have dignity in their lives. Boys left this experience feeling motivated towards helping this year’s Matthew Talbot Appeal become highly successful.
All students from every house including Years 5 to 12 are encouraged to bring in toiletry and other essential items in order to be able to provide a Christmas gift hamper for the homeless and marginalised groups which the Matt Talbot Hostel supports. Tevlin House has its major social justice issue as homelessness, and will co-ordinate the Matthew Talbot Christmas Appeal. This will run in Weeks 5, 6 and 7 of Term 4 until the end of November. All donations can be handed in to daily Mentor Groups, or to the Wellbeing Centre (Senior School), or Junior School Office.
Suggested items:
- Toiletries, including small toothbrush and toothpaste packs, shaving foam and razors, deodorant, small shampoo.
- Keyring torches and caps
- Men’s underwear, handkerchiefs and socks
- Packets of playing cards and inexpensive wallets
- Pens and small writing packs
- Small packs of lollies
- Environmentally friendly “Green” shopping bags