Year 7 Camp 2021
Please see below for final details about Year 7 Camp.
Departure Date: Monday, 14 February
School arrival time: 7:45 am. Please ensure students are on campus no later than 7:45am. Students will assemble in their House groups in the Centenary Quad.
Return from Camp: Wednesday, 16 February
Approximate arrival time: 3pm. Camp staff will contact Reception to advise of the estimated time of return to school.
Students are to wear casual clothing and will need to bring their own recess on Monday.
NOTE: If your son develops an illness over the weekend and is unable to attend the camp, please email your son’s Head of House by 7am on Monday morning, to confirm that your son is unable to attend.
Packing – Equipment List
>>> Click here to view the Equipment List.
Please do not pack lollies, valuables or mobile phones.
Emergency contact
Your son will be able to contact you via phone from the camp if required. If you need to contact your son, please phone 0424 151 364 (school mobile which we will have with us) or alternatively 0427 891 487 (Camp Somerset.)
If your son is required to take medication, please place the medication and instructions in a clear zip-lock bag with your son’s name clearly marked on the outside. This bag is to be handed to your son’s Head of House on Monday morning.
Rapid Antigen Testing
As per College policy, all students must be tested at home before school on Monday morning. Whilst at camp, if your son develops symptoms of illness or becomes unwell, you will be contacted.
Would You Like to Learn More About Camp Somerset?
If you have any questions or concerns at all regarding your son’s attendance at Camp, please do not hesitate to contact your son’s Head of House.
Head of House Contact Details
- Aungier | Mr John McCoy | headofaungier@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0613
- Brennan | Ms Kaitlyn Downey | headofbrennan@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0614
- Conlon | Ms Cathy O’Sullivan | headofconlon@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0611
- Green | Mr Scott Coleman | headofgreen@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0610
- Lacey | Mr Damien Thompson | headoflacey@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0609
- O’Connor | Mr Matthew Barr | headofoconnor@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0612
- Quinn | Ms Rebecca Gair | headofquinn@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0608
- Tevlin | Mr John McCallum | headoftevlin@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0607
All Heads of House and accompanying staff are looking forward to getting to know your son at the Year 7 camp.
Ms Cathy O’Sullivan
Head of Conlon
E: cosullivan@waverley.nsw.edu.au