Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell
With the extension of lockdown for four more weeks, any students in Years 7-11 will need to complete any summer change of activity requests before Saturday 7 August please.
Touch Football and Basketball: As communicated in last week’s Nurrunga, there are a number of activities that have very limited spots including Touch Football and Basketball.
Mountain Biking and Diving: Unfortunately, Mountain Biking and Diving are full and are not available.
Weights and Fitness: For any senior students requesting Weights and Fitness, these requests will be dependent on coaching staff approving.
Sailing: We are also offering Sailing as a potential summer sport, however, there will be costs involved and this amount will be determined by the numbers of students interested in participating in this activity at Woollahra Sailing Club.
Cricket and Tennis: We also want to maintain the integrity of our traditional sports such as Cricket and Tennis and would not normally approve changes for players in As teams.
*Please also note that all Senior School Term 4 activities are labelled by their 2022 Year Groups (eg: Year 7 Cricket will be labelled as Year 8 Cricket).
*It is vital that students select 2nd and 3rd preferences, as well as understand that a request does not mean that approval will be given. We will assess all changes accordingly and notify those students who have made a request of their summer activities following the completion of the request period.
>>> Click here to view Change of Summer Sport form.
4-Week Training Program
As we have now concluded the winter season and are technically in the Track and Field season, our Head Coach Mr Jeremy Roff, along with some of our fantastic Athletics coaching staff, have created a 4-week training program for all students. This schedule can be found below and also on the Waverley College App under Track and Field.
With the possibility of a carnival in early Term 4, we hope that all potential athletes keep working on their relevant disciplines and use the Olympics as inspiration to train hard following this recommended program.
>>> Click here to view the 4-Week Training Program Schedule.
Below you can watch a 1.5 minute video of Track and Field Remote Training with Mr Roff:
Winter Co-curricular Photos
In early Term 4 we will also reschedule the winter co-curricular photos that were to be held last week. Once we have finalised the schedule we will communicate this to all students and families.
Online Wellbeing and Pilates Classes and House Points Challenge
I also want to encourage all students to keep up the great work in trying the online wellbeing and pilates classes, as well as contributing to the House Points Challenge website.
Below are links to this week’s classes from the team at Advanz Therapies that can be watched at any time:
>>> Click here for previous Monday Pilates class with Sarah Fensom, 2:30-3:30pm.
>>> Click here for previous Wednesday Athletic Strength and Mobility class with Mark Mitchell, 2:30-3:30pm.
>>> Click here for previous Friday Holistic Health and Training class with Caelum Trott, 2:30-3:30pm.
Best wishes to all of Year 12 with their preparations for Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations.
Mr Steve O’Donnell
Director of Co-curricular
E: sodonnell@waverley.nsw.edu.au