Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Last Friday was the final Unit Training for Term 3. We thank our recruits for an excellent start to their Cadet journey and for their enthusiasm for Bivouac, which gave them some context to their training between now and AFX in 2025.
Cadets starts back in Term 4 on Friday 18th October with some exciting activities planned, including archery. Dress for recruits will be Summer Field 4B – DPCU shirt sleeves down, DPCU trousers bloused, field hat (essential), undershirt (optional in warmer weather). Please keep an eye out for the Routine Orders from week to week to know what is happening in your son’s Company.
CAS Milskills 2024
We wish our CAS Milskills Team all the best for their final preparations as they compete against cadets from Barker, Knox, St Aloysius and Trinity on Saturday 19th October. Thank you to CUO Lachlan Hoy for leading the team.
AAC Live Fire Holsworthy Base
Those who were invited to attend the AAC Live Fire on Saturday, 12 October need to return their permission slip by Friday, 27 September. Allocations to this exciting activity will be on a first come first served basis.