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Academic Curriculum

Food Technology: An artisan bread-making excursion

Food Technology visit to Brasserie Bread, March 2017

From Joseph Shanahan, Year 12 Food Technology student

On Tuesday 7 March, students in Food Technology from Years 10, 11 and 12 visited Brasserie Bread’s manufacturing and processing facility. All students learned a lot from the experience including basic bread making and looking at the several functions of the facility in producing a high quality artisan bread.

Once we arrived at the bakery, we were introduced to the tour guide and were spilt into two groups. My group carried out some basic bread making first which included making some savoury and sweet scrolls and some plait breads. Brasserie Bread takes pride in providing information to the public about their passion in bread making and teaches schools who come to their facility.

Next we were taken on a tour of the bakery floor. Here we saw the various flours they use, and learnt about the importing of flour from producers. Then we saw the production line in process and the making of the dough and adding of seeds and flavourings that gives a bread its own unique taste. From there we proceeded to the ovens to be shown how the bread was cooked and made in fine quality.

This deep insight gave the students a clearer understanding of the Australian Food Industry and food manufacturing. When leaving we were given a couple of bags of Brasserie’s finest bread before heading back to school.