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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Football Report: 2017 Season Wrap Up

Thomas Grimson Cup

First XI game against Knox

First XI game against Knox

First XI game against Knox

First XI game against Knox

1sts XI against Knox

First XI celebrating the win

Second XI game against Knox

Second XI game against Knox

Second XI game against Knox

Second XI game against Knox

Second XI game against Knox

Second XI game against Knox

From the Convenor of Football, Stephen Wilmot

CAS Round 10

On Saturday 5 August, Waverley Football played their last games for the season against Knox Grammar. It was great to see how the teams had come together throughout the season to become more than just a team, which in turn let the Waverley spirit prevail. I would like to congratulate all teams on the work they have put in this season and the great sportsmanship shown by the players.

The 1st XI played a very intense premiership game at Queens Park against Knox with both teams putting everything they have into the game. Coming out of half time with the points still at 0-0 both teams were trying to get a goal to put them in front. With a great cross from Jack Hardwicke-Owen, Mitch Knight scored the only goal of the game with a great header. The 1st managed to keep the 1-0 lead for the game and came out as winners of the game and the premiership.

The 1st XI have had a great season, finishing as joint premiers with St Aloysius’ College. The 1st XI have represented the College with pride and integrity and have set a high standard of football for younger players who are coming up the ranks. I thank the players of the 1st XI and their families for their commitment and contribution to the Waverley football program. The Year 12 students who have competed for the final time in the gold and blue stripe have been great role models to all Waverley players and I wish them the best in their future football endeavours.

I would also like to congratulate the Prep 1st, Prep 2nd and Prep 3rd teams from the Junior School on a great season. Mr Banboukjian took all three teams through the season undefeated. Congratulations to the players and Mr B for the great result.


Football Presentation Night

The Football presentation night was a great success with teams from the junior school and the senior school attending to celebrate the achievements of the 2017 winter season. The night was held to acknowledge the efforts of coaches, parents and players alike in their commitment to each and every training session and game. Players from each team were presented with a Coach’s Award and a Best and Fairest Award. We also presented the 1st XI with the Nick Rizzo Cup for best team of the season and the Thomas Grimson Cup. They were very deserving of these awards after their very successful season.


Football Award Winners

Contribution to Football – Julian Imvriotis

Captain’s Award – Mitchell Knight


Best and Fairest Coach’s Award
1st Mitchell Knight & Zachary Conacher-Smith Liam Preston
2nd Ben Scarf Angus Gawdat
3rd Connor Stamatelatos Harry Kesur
4th Patrick Osipovich & Fred Watkins Joshua Bale
5th Leonardo Bosi Andre Vumbacca
6th Kelvin Li Brendan See
7th Josh Lemura & Anthony Roydhouse Josh Nathan
8th Morgan Hall Josh Sidoti
10A Mark Andre Lachlan Manastirovski
10B Remi Defina-Sperando Gian Bonanni
10C Andreas Fragias Serge Martignago
10D Benjamin Rogers Rafael Tabbash
10E Fynn Cviker Mitchell Fitzgerald
9A Mario Rebollo William Hope
9B Charlie Kent Lachlan Cunningham
9C Sebastian Puga Jake Torsellini
9D Aidan Korpar Dylan Purbrick
9E Jack Hillary Luca Paolella
8A Flynn Herbert Peter Stamatelatos
8B Alessio Imhoff Nicholas Pineiro
8C Toby Rabinowitz Dante Pontes-Cox
8D Cameron Biazar & Kian Biazar Evan Athanassiou
8E Sam Kneebone Saia Afeaki
7A Alexander Morris Valan Candi
7B Guy Hammerschmidt Mackenzie Flitcroft
7C Harrison Drew Oliver Monaco
7D Zachary Straker Matis Jos-Rolland
7E Julian Tee Gabriel Woodward
Prep 1st Charles Hely-Hammond Wilford Hyde
Prep 2nds Rhys Vaughan Gabe Fox
Prep 3rds Vasili Vertsonis Aiden Pascoe
11A Dillon Duke-McCoy Jules Cibej
11 B Alfie Griffiths Matthew Frost
11 C Ashton Child William Kirk
11 D Aidan Adams Kit Armstrong
11 E Angus Kimber Harry Bromfield
11F Ben Ledingham Joe Silva


Thanks to the Waverley Football community for a great season.