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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Football: Round 6

10B vs St Aloysius (Photo: Oliver Pether)

10B vs St Aloysius (Photo: Oliver Pether)

10c vs St Aloysius (Photo: Matthew Danzey)

10c vs St Aloysius (Photo: Matthew Danzey)

From the Convenor of Football, Stephen Wilmot

Football Round 6

Last weekend our teams were able to test their abilities from their first round as they took on St Aloysius again. Many teams were able to look at how they played in round 1 and what they have worked on during the past term.

With many teams wanting to get a win after a tough week against Knox, the Firsts played a very strong game with the battle of the top of the table. The final score for the 1st XI was 2-2 leaving St Aloysius on the top of the table.

The 2nd XI also had a great match however, in the final minutes St Aloysius scored a goal with no time left for Waverley to score the final whistle blew and finished 0-1.

Some of our other teams also had great wins and their results can be found on Team App.


Coming Up

Next week there will be no training on Monday or Tuesday due to the Queen’s Birthday long weekend and the Athletics carnival. Training will resume on the Wednesday and Thursday for round 7 against Cranbrook on the 17th of June. Due to the long weekend there is no game this weekend. There will also be no Goal Keeper training or development program running this Friday.


Attendance, Uniform and Behaviour

With the cold and wet weather upon us, it is reminded that students must be wearing Waverley attire while at their matches. This includes before and after games including the warm up. Students must wear their Waverley tracksuit if it is a cold day. Also a reminder that players need to follow the CAS code of conduct with their behaviour on the field and using appropriate language while representing the College. Lastly if a player is unable to attend training a note is required when they return to school. If they are unable to attend a Saturday game they must have a Doctors certificate or approved leave.


Waves to win