From the Convenor of Football, Stephen Wilmot
With the winter season already upon us I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the Waverley community to football for the year. Please see the below updates about football and the season ahead of us.
Trial Games and Training
The trial games this weekend have the same expectations as a normal fixture of football with players expected to arrive 30 minutes prior to kick off for an adequate warm up. Please have your playing jersey and training jersey if possible to split teams up easier. A reminder that Year 7s, 8s and 9s train on Monday and Wednesday (3:30pm-5:00pm). Year 10s and Opens train on Tuesday and Thursday (3:30pm – 5:00pm).
Attendance and Uniform
A reminder that training and games are compulsory for all students. Players on Saturday are required to wear their yellow playing jersey with Waverley shorts and socks, and be wearing shin pads and football boots. If it is cold they can wear their Waverley jacket to the game. Non – Waverley uniform at games is not acceptable. If players require any of the playing gear it is available from the uniform shop.
Update from season guide
Please note that the season guide distributed to all students at the winter sports check contained an error which was the trial game against Shore. The correct locations are Year 7, 10 and Opens away and Year 8 and 9 home.
CIS Cup Game
On Monday the 1st XI played their first game of the season against St Pius X College. This was the 2nd round of the CIS Cup game. The game started with Pius getting 2 points early on in the game. With Waverley looking for a comeback they found their opportunity scoring two goals in the last 10 of the game. The game then went onto a penalty kick off where Pius came out with the win.
Waves to win!