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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


From Behind the Stumps – Start of the 2017 Season

From the Convenor of Cricket, John McCallum

Start of the season

All Waverley Cricketers are eagerly awaiting their chance to don the whites and get involved with their team mates – and hopefully this Saturday will be an exciting start to the 2017 matches. Despite challenges to momentum in training and matches due to weather, each team has been working hard to improve skills and team work ahead of the challenges of the next month. Boys are reminded to be correctly dressed each week, including their Waverley Cricket hat, and ensure they arrive at games at least 30 minutes prior to find their game location and warm up with their teams.

Jason Sangha …

Congratulations to many of our senior Cricketers for some representative selections and great performances over the last month. Year 12 student Jason Sangha was interviewed on Fox Sports News Channel last Monday. The interview discussed his selection in the Prime Minister’s XI to play Sri Lanka on Wednesday evening this week. This selection backs up his 20 runs in a One-Day Game against a full-strength Pakistan side last month for the Cricket Australia XI. The interview “Sangha’s teenage dream” can be found on the Fox Sports News and  Click here to view.

… and our other shining stars

We also had Mac Jenkins, Ryan Connolly, Ben Scarf, Ben Donaldson and 1sts captain Tyler Von Der Heyden play impressively in the CAS Trial match at Barker, and we wish these boys well in hopeful selection in the side for the NSW Schools’ Championships. Year 10 student and 1st XI allrounder Mac Jenkins also made history for his Grade Club Randwick Petersham in being the youngest player selected in the Under 21 Poidevin Grade side; a fantastic achievement for a player also in their U16 Green Shield side. Mac also played 4th grade men’s Cricket for Randwick, even taking 4/15 with this orthodox spinners against Parramatta.

Local Derby helping the Ponting Foundation and Redkite

Most teams face off against our local rivals Cranbrook, and this week has both schools participating in a charitable promotion for the Ponting Foundation and Redkite. Saturday’s round is dedicated to increasing exposure, and raising funds for families directly affected by cancer, through the Ponting Foundation’s Exceptional Needs Assistance Program and promotion of the “Biggest Game of Cricket”. Waverley’s games at Queens Park, and Cranbrook’s games at Hordern and Dangar Ovals will have sausage sizzles and a great atmosphere that reflects the aim of enjoyment of teams and families through Cricket, so please support this great cause. The Waverley Cricket Community has always had a fantastic culture of generously supporting each other and showing great care and spirit, and this has been certainly evident as many families have supported each other and the Connolly family after the tragic passing of Cricket parent and friend to many, Michael Connolly.

Cricket Supporter Group – invite to Term 1 meeting

All Cricket parents are warmly invited to attend the Cricket Supporter Group’s Term 1 meeting. This will be held on Monday 20 February at 6pm in the foyer of the Performing Arts Centre. The Cricket Supporter Group aims to improve the Cricket program by generating ideas and organising key celebrations such as the Cricket Presentation Evening, and is a fantastic way to support your son and get to know other parents. New parents are most welcome. The term 1 meeting will focus on the preparations for this fantastic family event on March 11, with all ideas and assistance much appreciated. Please contact the Group’s President, Mr Matthew Whitaker on for further details.