Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing
Off Campus Accountability
From time to time, students make poor decisions off campus in the community. Common examples we see include parties over the weekend, an online interaction, on holiday, waiting for the train at Bondi Junction, walking to training at Queens Park, or shopping at Westfield.
At a recent webinar I attended run by AHISA (The Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia), the College’s policy regarding students’ accountability for their actions outside of school hours was validated by AHISA’s legal experts. They indicated that the school has a clear mandate to investigate and discipline where necessary, students who breach our Student Code of Conduct outside of school hours. Our right to do this is recognised by the law.
Just as the College celebrates upstanders who make positive decisions when in public, we will also take action against students who buy or sell illicit drugs, are involved in shoplifting or bullying off campus. All of these examples put our students at harm, as well as affecting the reputation of Waverley College.
Parents should be aware of this, and take precautions when their sons are unsupervised in public. This is particularly so when interacting with other school-aged students of the same and different ages at parties, the beach, catching public transport, online, or in a retail precinct. Remind them of their expectations as a Waverley College student.
It is also advisable to get on the front foot and let the College know if a mistake has been made off campus. We can support your son and help him repair the damage resulting from his actions. The consequences are often less when your son takes the initiative, and lets us know before we learn about a poor decision from the police or a member of the public.
Record Enrolments in NSW Independent Schools
Despite COVID-19’s effect on the economy, more families are choosing to educate their children at independent schools with data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and our own enrolment numbers at Waverley College supporting this.
In 2020, total enrolments in NSW independent schools grew by a record 5,352 students or 2.6 per cent according to the ABS. For the first time in our history, enrolments at the College exceeded 1500 in 2021. To ensure class sizes remain as small as possible, a number of year groups have added an additional stream.
Waverley College’s ability to be agile and responsive to the needs of our community puts us in a strong position with enrolments. Our faith formation and Wellbeing Framework ensure each child’s pastoral needs are met. Our wide range of co-curricular sports and activities allows each student to thrive outside of the classroom. Importantly, our Teaching and Learning pedagogy focusing on best practice in boys’ education, ensures the range of academic needs at the College are met, and the potential of our most important resource, your sons, is met.
Parent Webinars in May and June
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is inviting parents to a free live webinar: eSafety’s Guide to parental controls. The session will equip parents/carers with the skills to set up devices and apps to keep young people safer online.
The College recommends all parents click here to take up this free eSafety webinar.
Click here to read more about the eSafety Commissioner

esafety webinars 2021
Terms 2-3 Uniform
I would like to thank parents and students who have adjusted to our expectations regarding uniform in Terms 2 and 3. Only a handful of students failed to enter or depart campus last week wearing a blazer and tie.
The feedback from the community about our higher uniform standards is a credit to our entire community. It sends a clear message about the great things happening at the College and gets the students into the correct mindset for the start of the day.
Parent Lounge Access
Some parents have been unable to view their son’s pastoral care messages in the Parent Lounge. If you have not yet set up access to the Parent Lounge please follow the below steps.
Click here for a guide on getting access to the Parent Lounge
For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at iassist@waverley.nsw.edu.au