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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


From Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter

(Acting) Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

(Acting) Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

Year 12 Study Skills Support

Waverley College subscribes to the Study Skills Handbook by Dr Prue Salter to support students across all year groups with their off-campus learning and independent study.

This is a reminder that all students and parents can access this comprehensive resource using the following login details:

Username: forwaverleycollegeonly

Password: 94 results

There is a new section available called Tips for Remote Learning, which provides useful ideas for working through how to manage this unprecedented situation. This might be just the thing if you are finding that students are working through set work very quickly.

The tips will certainly complement the sessions we have already delivered to students about independent learning and motivation, including the Year 7 Study Skills Evening in week 6 with Dr Prue Salter and the Year 11 Elevate session in week 7, Ace Your Exams.

Finally, as you know, we are ensuring we do everything we can to support our Year 12 students this year. To that end, we have engaged Dr Prue Salter to provide a series of targeted video study skills lessons over the next four months:

  • Video 1: Just before the upcoming school holidays, addressing Year 12 concerns around what is happening this year and helping them plan their learning for the holidays.
  • Video 2: Early Term 2, with study skills tips on moving forward in the current learning environment.
  • Video 3: Preparing for the trial HSC examinations.
  • Video 4: Post-trials, covering how to make a study plan during the time leading up to the HSC exams.

Each video will be around 15 minutes long and students will be emailed a link each time.

Students are encouraged to email Dr Salter ( at any time if they have questions about their approach to their studies this year. Questions will either be addressed in the videos or answered personally.