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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


From Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter

(Acting) Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

(Acting) Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

Year 11 Study Skills

Last week, Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ( ran a study skills evening with Year 11 parents and students.

The session focused on helping students identify changes and improvements they could make to their approach to their studies, in order to maximise their results in their final years of school. The main areas covered with Year 11 were:

  • Working effectively in the evenings and dealing with distractions.
  • Managing time efficiently.
  • Planning for assessments and making brain-friendly study notes on a regular basis.
  • Using a wide variety of active study techniques to suit individual learning styles.

Parents are encouraged to review the handout from the session with students, and to discuss the main areas identified where changes need to be made. Parents can also find extra study skills tips on the following website:

All secondary students and parents at our school also have access to, a great study skills website to help students develop their skills. There are lots of useful handouts on the ‘THINGS TO PRINT’ page on this site and students can work through the units where they need additional help.

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