Director of Identity & Student Formation, Ms Suzanne Walsh
From Director of Identity & Student Formation, Ms Suzanne Walsh
As part of our Refugee Week activities, the Edmund Rice Waterford Leadership Academy was privileged to be joined by Mr Elijah Williams.
Elijah is a 23-year-old refugee from Sierra Leone who generously gave his time to share his story with junior and senior students at the College. Elijah’s engaging presentation gave our students a valuable insight into the challenges faced by refugees. Elijah spoke of how these experiences have shaped the values and life of his family today.
Comments that students and teachers made after hearing his story included:
“I was glued this has changed the direction of my life.”
“I honestly believe that was one of the most inspirational speeches I’ve ever heard”.
We cannot thank Elijah enough for enabling us to share some of his experiences, and for the inspirational life lessons that he gave us. His integrity and willingness to bring “light and love to this world” serves as a wonderful example for us all.

Elijah Williams at the Senior School

Refugee Week 2020