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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

From Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Smith

Lunchtime Talk with Rebecca Mikula-Wright board member of The Orangutan Project and Director of Asia Investor Group

the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation

the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation

the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation

the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation

Special News

Congratulations to Ms Gaby Bransby and her husband Michael, who welcomed their beautiful daughters to the world on Tuesday night. They are gorgeous twin sisters for big brother Mason.

The Beautiful Bransby Twins

Home Learning | Henry Goldrich

For home learning this week, 5 Red had to design and make an abstract colour wheel. In Visual Arts we’ve been learning all about primary and secondary colours. Our task was to be creative and we were challenged to include tertiary colours into our colour wheels. I chose to make my colour wheel into a pizza because I thought this was really different from what anyone else would do, and I really love pizza! 


Congratulations to the following students who have been selected into a variety of different school representative teams.

Hayden McAusland – NSWCIS AFL

Zac Ellis – IPSHA Football

Louis Fearon – IPSHA Football

Lunchtime Talks

On Friday, 6 March, the Waverley boys welcomed guest speaker Rebecca Mikula-Wright, board member of The Orangutan Project and Director of Asia Investor Group. Rebecca shared valuable information about the work that happens in Indonesia to help protect the orangutans and how we can make small changes in our everyday lives to reduce emissions. Rebecca’s main message ties in perfectly with our 2020 motto, ‘Small Action, Big Impact.’

Thank you to Rebecca for educating the boys on two very important issues. 

Our next guest speaker will be in Term 2. Brendan Cook, Dad of Mikey Gauci-Cook (Year 5) will share information about the world of animation across film, television, and digital and physical spaces crafting visual communications through moving image design.

Debating in 2020

Congratulations to the following boys, who were successful in joining the Junior School Debating Team: Aidan Carpenter, Hugo Fernandez, Will Jacques, Jethro Jensen, Tom Madden, Max Nearn, Zach Pereira, Owen Smith and Charlie Easson.

The College enters two teams in the IPSHA Debating Competition. The teams debate fortnightly on a Friday afternoon. Debating hones skills in analysis, critical thinking, listening, speaking and teamwork. I look forward to working with our new debaters. 

The World’s Greatest Shave

On Thursday, 12 March, the College participated in the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation. The shave aims to raise money for treatment and support for people with leukaemia and their families, as well as medical research to help find a cure.

This year there were over 50 boys who raised money and shaved their heads for this great cause. The Waverley team has raised $8,461.49 so far – and the Junior School alone raised $1264.65 on the day.

A special mention to the following fundraisers from the Junior School for their incredible effort:

Oscar Greenane – $2131

Oliver Lorimer – $925.74

William Elliott – $288.15

Oliver Adkins – $209.75

Sponsoring stops at the end of April, so there is still time to sponsor the Waverley College team or an individual. To do so, please click here.