Navigating Term 3
As we navigate the first few weeks of Term 3, it can take all of us (even adults) time to adjust from being on holidays back into a routine. Whilst holidays can provide us with much needed rest and play, our brains absolutely love consistency and predictability which sometimes is reduced without a school schedule. In saying this, our brains may also find the transition back to school quite challenging! You might notice you feel a bit more tired, stressed, irritable, or overwhelmed than you did during the holidays. Although these experiences and feelings can be uncomfortable, they are a completely normal part of life.
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, to live fulfilling lives, a lot of emphasis may need to be placed on some of our basic needs that may be overlooked during a busy schedule during the Term time.
Firstly, we can gently help ourselves by acknowledging that it may take us a little bit of extra time to feel our usual selves again. We might like to place emphasis on rest (e.g., creating a consistent sleep schedule), designing an achievable study plan (e.g., setting realistic time aside for homework/assignments), prioritising time to move our bodies in a way that feels good to us (e.g., beach walk, stretching, taking our dogs to the dog park), eating nutritionally-dense foods, filling up our water bottles, and perhaps most importantly, connecting with our loved ones (e.g., having dinner together around the table each night).
If you feel like your basic needs may need a little tweaking, Psychology services are available for students at Waverley College to help with getting back on track in a way that works for you. Feel free to reach out to the Wellbeing Team or your Head of House for further information.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370–396. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0054346

Image: courtesy Psychology Today