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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Head’s Message

From Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Dear Parents & Carers,

2020 has certainly been a very challenging year, we have experienced close personal loss and we continue to keep the family of Archie Perkin in our prayers.

As a nation, we have experienced the loss of life and country associated with six months of bushfires and the ongoing tragedy that this has brought. Severe storms, power outages, ongoing climate change and a pandemic have brought about situations of an unprecedented level. There has never been a more important time to support each other, lend a hand and respond to difficult situations with poise and compassion.

Last week every student from Year 5-12 had a session with Sound Off For Schools who unpacked and explored the world of mindfulness and meditation. The timing was very good considering some of the pressures and stress in play at present. High stress can compromise your immune system and at present we need to be at our best, not reacting out of irrationality, or from stress and fear. I encourage your son to embed some of the techniques and strategies explored into his everyday habits.

National Close the Gap Day
Today we celebrate National Close the Gap Day which reminds us of the work that is still urgently needed to address the unequal health outcomes between First Nation People and non-First Nation People. The life expectancy of First Nation People is 10-17 years lower. High life expectancy is not just a health issue, but it is a human rights issue. Poverty, education, and employment levels all have a long-lasting impact on the health of a community. The mortality rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is on par with some of the world’s most impoverished nations. The Close the Gap campaign recognizes this and emphasizes that closing the gap in early childhood development, schooling, housing, and employment is the key to also closing the health gap.

No to Bullying & Violence
This week we are focusing on National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence which is celebrated on Friday. The day encourages the whole school community to ‘take a stand together’ against bullying and violence in the classroom, in playgrounds, in schools and beyond.  We acknowledge and promote the Day of Action so that everyone in our school community understands that there are different types of bullying that can threaten the health and safety of students, bolstering the message that bullying and violence are never okay. It is also important to educate students about what to do if they need help. Parents will also find useful information at the following link:

CAS Swimming & Diving
Congratulations to both our swimmers and divers who both took out fourth position in the recent CAS competition. Both teams performed with great spirit and enthusiasm. Thank you to coaches and parents for all of their support throughout the season. We congratulate Knox (swimming) and Trinity (Diving) on their respective wins.

Talented Team
I appreciate wholeheartedly the talented support and teaching staff at Waverley College that are working hard to adapt to change and provide a focus on student learning while carefully monitoring their wellbeing and sense of safety. COVID-19 is certainly challenging every one of us at a certain level and I thank the many parents who have written to me acknowledging their gratitude for the staff at the College who are performing very well under challenging circumstances.

Hygiene Standard Reminders
The key strategy in fighting against COVID-19 or any virus as we approach the flu season is to improve our hygiene standards. The College Captains Ben Elder, Liam Andrews, William Baker and James Waterhouse have put together a humorous video to remind us of some changes we need to embrace to reduce our chances of catching the flu or a virus. I also note their new haircuts in support of the Leukemia Foundation and World’s Greatest Shave – congratulations gentlemen!

The short video addresses:
How we greet people…
What not to put your hands on if you can avoid it…
How to sneeze or cough…
Practising social distancing…
How to get around the campus safely…