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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Principal's Message

From Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Dear Parents and Carers, 

I hope all boys have had a great start to Term 4 and that our Year 12s are progressing well with their respective HSC examinations.

At today’s leadership assembly we celebrated and acknowledged all our Year 12 Leaders, the new College Captains, House Captains, Prefects, and Cocurricular Captains. I apologise to those that watched online, we did experience some technical difficulties. 

The new College Captain elect, Peter Stamatelatos challenged all students to be grateful for what they have in their lives by using both words and deeds. He also spoke of the Edmund Rice Touchstones assisting us to find the right bearings. 

I asked the assembly to consider the words of American author John Maxwell with respect to their leadership. 

‘The pessimist complains about the wind. 

The optimist expects it to change 

The leader adjusts the sails’

We expect our Year 12s to be the leaders of the College, they have the helm to ensure that we stay on an even keel and ship shape. I asked them how they were going to adjust the Waverley sails on their watch, what crew traditions need renewing, and what customs need to be challenged? I reassured them that their parents, teachers, support staff and the Year 5-11 crew, are all willing to bear a hand and that our wishes are for plain sailing and safe passage. 

On the College communities behalf, I encouraged them to enjoy the voyage and offered them best of luck and Godspeed. 

Leadership Announcements

Congratulations to the following boys on their leadership appointments:

College Captain – Peter Stamatelatos 

Vice Captain –  Charles Harris

Vice Captain – Patrick Hoggett

Vice Captain –  Byron Scott

College Captain and Vice Captains

College Captain and Vice Captains


House Captain – Saia Afeaki

House Prefect – Charles Jaeger

House Prefect – Jack Fingleton

House Prefect – Harrison Palmer

College Captain – Peter Stamatelatos

Aungier House Captain and Prefects

Aungier House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Tobias Malzard

House Prefect – Alexander Elder

House Prefect – Harjot Mand

House Prefect – Will Gibson

Lacey House Captain and Prefects

Lacey House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Nicholas Quinn

House Prefect – Jack Hickey

House Prefect – Finn Anderson

House Prefect – Spencer Kapos

Brennan House Captain and Prefects

Brennan House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Klayton Thorn

House Prefect – Liam Gregorio

House Prefect – Tom Cahill

College Vice Captain – Charles Harris

O’Connor House Captain and Prefects

O’Connor House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Sam Connolly

House Prefect – Cooper O’Donnell

House Prefect – James Hoggett

House Prefect – Marlin Bowring 

College Vice Captain – Patrick Hoggett

Conlon House Captain and Prefects

Conlon House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Dane Perica

Quinn House Captain

Quinn House Captain


House Captain – Max De Carvalho

House Prefect – Jack Mackenzie                                  

House Prefect – Lachlan Muir

House Prefect – Finn Harley Whitney

Green House Captain and Prefects

Green House Captain and Prefects


House Captain – Remy Crompton-Lamb,

House Prefect – Conor Boyd-Boland

House Prefect – James Belavic

College Vice Captain – Byron Scott

Tevlin House Captain and Prefects

Tevlin House Captain and Prefects

Cocurricular Captains

1st XI Cricket Captain – Sam Connolly

Captain of Cricket – Dylan Brown

1st IV Tennis Captain – Nikita Nikitenko

Captain of Tennis – Kai Jones

1st V Basketball Captain – Eoin Morrissey

Captain of Basketball – Charles Harris

1st VII Water Polo Captain – Alessio Imhoff

Captain of Water Polo – James Privett

Captain of Lawn Bowls – Jude Sedley

Captain of Swimming – Remy Crompton-Lamb

Captain of Table Tennis – George Vouros

Captain of Diving – Harrison Palmer

Captain of Music – Harrison Palmer

Vice Captain of Music – Dante Bryan

Captain of Touch Football – Reeve Smith


Cadets Leaders 2021

Senior Cadet Under Officer – CUO Mark Gaponov

Adjutant – CUO William Gibson

Logistics Officer – CUO Lachlan Muir

Training Officer – CUO Bryn Parry

Operations Officer – CUO Dane Perica

Regimental Sergeant Major – CUO Isaac Kopsiaftis

A Company Commander – CUO Thomas Cahill

B Company Commander – CUO Sebastian Van De Hoek

C Company Commander – CUO Hayden Walker

SPT Company Commander – CUO Finn Anderson


I am particularly thrilled to see the first St Catherine’s CSM (Company Sergeant Major), WO2 Sophia Voigt, and TRGWO (Training Warrant Officer), WO2 Alison Zaczek.

Principal Awards

A Principal Award is received once a student has earnt three Gold Awards. Gold Awards are awarded after receiving five Blue Merits, which are awarded in recognition of any form of good effort, behaviour, achievement or service.

Congratulations to the following Principal Award winners, who were announced at this week’s College assembly:

Montgomery Armstrong | Year 7

Kayden Baker | Year 7

Tomas Crosson | Year 7

Archie Godby | Year 7

Christian Miletic | Year 7

Oliver Moclair | Year 7

Dominic Schofield | Year 7

Jason Shen | Year 7

Oscar Wilson | Year 7

Nicholas Zanapalis | Year 7

William Hodgson  | Year 8 

Lachlan Korpar  | Year 8 

Denis Kosinskyy  | Year 8 

Joshua Lewis  | Year 8

Lachlan Miranda  | Year 8

Ryan Bayas  | Year 12

Fritz Jahnke-Tavana   | Year 12

Lachlan Muir  | Year 12



COVID Episode 2

After returning to face-to-face learning, we continued to document life at Waverley for the second and hopefully the final instalment of the coronavirus series: Connection and CollaborationThe video highlights how far we have come over the last two terms by staying connected and working together as a community. It will also capture something similar to a time capsule, some of the happenings at the College during this historic and challenging time. 

This year, we have seen a slow unravelling of the systems that connect us to each other – schools, hospitals, age care facilities, places of worship, border access, and family support systems that we rely on. 

We have had to find new ways to live our lives and stay connected to each other. We need to recognise that it’s normal in a situation of ongoing uncertainty such as a pandemic, that we have ups and downs, we can feel depleted or exhausted and experience periods of burnout. 

To get us through these challenging times, we need to:

  • Accept that life is different now
  • Find activities that fulfil us
  • Embrace our faith
  • Focus on maintaining and strengthening our relationships
  • Build resilience in each other, so that our community can get through this together.

We pray for those countries that are struggling at this time and we hope a vaccine can be found and distributed across the world. We are grateful for what we have

I hope you enjoy the episode.


Old Waverley Uniform, We Need You!

Do you have old Waverley uniforms hanging around at home? The College is rehoming and recycling your unwanted items – and we’re on the lookout for as many of them as possible.

Good quality items are being sent to communities like Timor-Leste and Fiji, so they can be used by schools in need. Items that are no longer wearable can also be reused, but we’re handing them over to businesses that will benefit from them instead – like cleaning companies.

How You Can Help

We’d be very grateful if members of our College community could return their old uniforms to the second hand clothing pool by Monday, 2 December.

Instead of binning your Waverley-branded items or leaving them with charity shops, please:

  • Leave items/bags outside the second hand clothing pool (Main Building, Level 3), or outside the main building if closed
  • Separate good quality items for rehoming from poor quality items (eg ripped, stained or well-worn) for recycling
  • Clearly label items/bags to assist our volunteers, who are managing the process


New Uniform 

For an overview of the new uniform and transition dates, please click here

Uniform Shop & New Uniform

For an overview of the new uniform and transition dates, please click here

For the Uniform Shop, prices and bookings, please click here.

Second Hand Clothing Pool Clearance Sale

The second hand clothing pool is open from:

Every Thursday, from Thursday 29 October (12pm-2:30pm)

Everyone is welcome. Our clearance sale has plenty of items to see junior and senior boys through Term 4, and we’re asking for a gold coin donation in exchange for as many items as you need. Senior School students can come along without their parents/carers.

The sale includes:

  • Blazers
  • School shoes
  • Sports shoes
  • Bags
  • Ties
  • Jumpers
  • Shirts
  • Sports clothing

Additional opening hours will be confirmed. For stock enquiries, please contact the Parents’ Association at