Head of College, Graham Leddie
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week I attended an Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA) meeting. The Association represents 442 independent schools in Australia that vary across faith, age, size and student gender. The group regularly speaks with government, parliamentarians and senators, and to government and non-government agencies and organisations.
I also attended an EREA NSW Principal’s meeting held at St Edward’s Gosford along with principals from St Patrick’s College Strathfield, St Pius X Chatswood, St Dominic’s College Penrith, Edmund Rice College Wollongong, CBC Lewisham, St Edmund’s College Canberra, St Edmund’s College Wahroonga, St Gabriel’s College Castle Hill, St Francis Catholic College Edmondson Park, and the Eastern Flexi Schools Network.
On Monday, I will meet with and support our Jewish Colleagues as they/we commemorate Kristallnacht. Also known as the Night of Broken Glass, was a program against Jews carried out by paramilitary forces and civilians throughout Nazi Germany on 9-10 November 1938. Over 7000 Jewish businesses were damaged or destroyed and 30000 Jewish men were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps. Historians view Kristallnacht as a prelude to the murder of over six million Jews during the Holocaust. I will be lucky to hear from Dr Edith Eger, therapist, speaker, author and Auschwitz Survivor.
All of these experiences provide an amazing opportunity to learn from others, open dialogue and empathise with them. By sharing the power of story and hearing different perspectives, we can seek improvement in our own programs which will assist us to provide a more positive and safer environment for all where young people can grow, explore and learn.
College Support Groups
The College has four major support groups that provide resources, care, communication structures and support to the College and its stakeholders.
- College Advisory Council (formerly College Board)
- Parents’ Association
- College Foundation
- Old Boys Union
On behalf of the College community, I would like to thank and acknowledge two people who will be stepping down from their respective positions after donating a significant amount of time and support to the College community.
Mr Greg Bodkin, has served four years on the College Board and previously as the President of the Parents’ Association. Greg was integral to the merge of the Mothers Club and Parents’ Association in 2014. Greg has been an avid supporter of the College’s extensive curriculum offerings that allows students to have multiple pathway options and opportunities. Greg has also supported improved curriculum and wellbeing program development at the College and has brought a clear focus and expertise on ensuring risk assessment and compliance are at the centre of College decision making. Greg has had 2 boys attend the College, James (2018) and Charles (2014).
Dr Mark Davies OAM, has served on the College Board for the last nine years in the capacity of Vice Chair and Chair. Hallmarks of Mark’s leadership include the support of College’s increased focus on academic pursuits and student wellbeing, the introduction of the College Foundation, the development and implementation of two Strategic Plans, the development of a new Master Building Plan, introduction of co-education Cadets, and support of the College Leadership Team and myself. Mark has had two boys attend the College, Stephen (2018) and Matthew (2010). Mark is an Old Boy himself, along with his father and grandfather.
We thank Greg and Mark for their distinguished service to the College where each have contributed significantly and left the College in a better place. We know Greg and Mark will still support the College from afar and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Parents’ Association AGM – Get involved!
Wednesday 11 November 2020
6:00pm to 8:30pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Waverley College Parents’ Association will include the election of office bearers for 2021.
All parents and carers are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Waverley College Parent Association held online via Zoom. The link will be shared via SkoolBag next week.
All Executive Committee positions will be declared vacant and elections will be conducted for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Year 5 Parent Representative
- Year 6 Parent Representative
- Year 7 Parent Representative
- Year 8 Parent Representative
- Year 9 Parent Representative
- Year 10 Parent Representative
- Year 11 Parent Representative
- Year 12 Parent Representative
- Past Students Parent Representative
- Clothing Pool Coordinator
Any interested parent is encouraged to nominate for any of the above positions. Nominations will be accepted on the night, or interested persons may email Ms Jaimi Walker at jwalker1@waverley.nsw.edu.au.
Please click here to download the meeting agenda. The WCPA Term 4 meeting will follow AGM . This is an opportunity for parents to have a say and hear from the College Principal and other staff.
Final Steps for our Year 12s
Next week we say goodbye to our Year 12s who complete their final HSC examinations on Wednesday. On Thursday they will host partners at the formal and on Friday, parents, siblings and grandparents will be attending their graduation. I congratulate each of them on achieving this significant milestone in their lives and I hope you will join me in praying for them as they take their next step in their life’s journey. We are grateful for the leadership, role modelling and resilience shown by our 2020 Year 12 cohort across a very challenging year for all. Thank you to our teaching, support staff and parents who supported them so very well.
Year 12 Key dates
Thursday 12 November – Year 12 Formal, Royal Randwick Racecourse ATC
Friday 13 November – Year 12 Graduation, Sydney Cricket Ground
Friday 18 December – HSC Results and ATARs released
Saturday 19 December – Change preferences for Round 2 offers
Wednesday 23 December – Year 12 Offers Released
Thursday 11 February 2021 – HSC 2020 High Achievers Assembly
Staff Updates
Farewell to Mrs Kaitlyn Downey, iLeader and PDHPE teacher who is going on maternity leave this Friday. We wish her the best of health and happiness.
Congratulations to Ms Elizabeth Watson who has been seconded for a further 12 months as the EREA Director of Learning. We wish her the very best in this role working with EREA schools across the nation.
As a result of this, I have asked the following staff to continue in their respective acting roles for 2021:
Ms Gabrielle Smith – Deputy Principal Teaching & Learning
Ms Gabrielle Bransby – Director of the Junior School
Ms Charlotte Stephens – Assistant Director of Curriculum Junior School.
World Teachers’ Day – Friday 30 October
Last week we celebrated World Teachers’ Day at the College and I thank and congratulate our 190 teachers and support staff who work hard at Waverley.
When I think back on my own life, I know how much I owe to my teachers. There were my first teachers, my parents, Jenny and Graham who emigrated from Scotland. There was my brilliant Year 4 teacher, Mr Morrison, who started my love of History with his teaching of the exploits of a Carthaginian general named Hannibal, who crossed the Alps and used African elephants in the battle against the Roman Empire. And there were the standout teachers of my high school years Mr Laurie Fahy – Mathematics, Mr Tony Miller – English, and both Mr Michael East and Mr Peter Switzer who taught me Economics. Interestingly, these teachers were all old boys of Waverley College but taught me at another school.
I have also been fortunate to have taught with some outstanding teachers at schools throughout Victoria, Queensland and NSW.
These people all shared a few specific qualities. They were passionate about their curriculum areas, they inspired and encouraged me to want to learn more, and I felt like they cared about me.
There is a marvellous line in Robert Bolt’s play, ‘A Man for All Seasons’ when Thomas More asks Richard Rich, “why not be a teacher – you’d be a fine teacher, perhaps a great one?” Rich replies, “And if I was, who would know it?” to which More responds, “You, your pupils, your friends, God – not a bad public that.”
On-Campus Highlights
Best Foot Forward
Tomorrow, Green House are running the best foot forward initiative that aims to raise $10,000 for the education of disadvantaged women in developing world countries by selling pink shoe laces for $10 each. For every dollar raised donors will be quadrupling the amount, meaning that a total of $40,000 can be donated to those in need, having a huge impact. These laces can be purchased from the Wellbeing Centre or from the College prefects that will be selling them during wellbeing and lunch. All Houses are being encouraged to support this wonderful initiative.
Solar Buddies
O’Connor House and Sustainability Group took part in making Solar Buddy lights to send away to children living in countries with Energy Poverty. By making these solar-powered lights and supporting the Solar Buddy Charity, our students have helped 50 children to have access to sustainable, safe lighting which can be used to improve their ability to study after dark.
Paddock to Plate Incursion
The Paddock to Plate Junior incursion enables students from year 6 to be introduced to the Senior campus Food technology and Agricultural areas of study. It encourages their young minds to learn about sustainability and positive environmental impacts that a Paddock to Plate or Farm to Table approach can have in their lives and the local communities. Students learn about sustainability, vermicomposting, circular approaches to agricultural practices and alternative methods of farming.