From School Psychologist, Ms Tessa Prior
It has come to our attention that e-cigarettes have become increasingly popular in the community over the past six months. Please see information below regarding e-cigarettes and a particular brand called Cuvie. We encourage you to have a conversation with your son addressing these issues.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan, your son’s Head of House, or myself or Greg, the Senior School Psychologists. Contact details can be found at the bottom of this article.
What is a ‘Cuvie?’
A Cuvie is a disposable e-cigarette. They are small in size (8 x 2cm). Each Cuvie generates 300 ‘hits’ or ‘puffs’ per pod and costs approximately $10-20.
Does a Cuvie Contain Nicotine?
Yes. Each Cuvie has 50mg of nicotine in it. The 300 puffs equate to approximately one packet of cigarettes. This is a concern as young people may be using these discreetly at night and unknowingly consume the equivalent of a whole packet of cigarettes.
Are they dangerous for your health?
Young people may not be aware of some of the short and long term effects of using e-cigarettes. Research has shown that there is an increased prevalence of lung conditions such as asthma, wheezing and bronchitis. Even more concerning is the impact of nicotine on the developing brain. This can affect learning, memory and attention. Researchers also indicate the use of e-cigarettes as a young person increases chances of developing a cigarette or substance abuse problem later in life.
Are they legal?
It is illegal to sell e-cigarettes and accessories to a person under 18 years of age. Anyone who sells cigarettes or e-cigarettes to someone under the age of 18 can be heavily fined.
What is the Waverley College Policy on E-Cigarettes?
It is school policy for any student who is seen with or using an e-cigarette at school to be suspended. If any student is caught buying or selling these at school, they will have a show cause meeting with the Principal. However, we want to encourage help-seeking behaviour. Please ensure that, if your son speaks to one of our staff regarding their use of e-cigarettes, there will not be punitive consequences.
How are Young People Using E-Cigarettes and Hiding the Behaviour?
Since many vaping devices, especially Cuvies, are inconspicuous in size and overall look, many adolescents may find it easy to hide their habits. The vapour from the E-Cigarettes is odourless (or has a sweet smell, depending on the flavour), so parents are less likely to detect an aroma.
What should I do?
It is important that parents sit down with their sons for an open conversation about the effects of nicotine. It is also important to encourage help-seeking behaviour. For information and examples of how to generate a conversation around this topic, please watch this School TV resource from Dr Michael Carr-Gregg: https://schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/ecigarettes-and-vaping-au.
To discuss this further, or receive support, please contact one of the members of staff listed below.
Staff Contact Details
Mr Patrick Brennan: pbrennan@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Tessa Prior (Quinn, Conlon, Lacey and Green): tprior@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Greg Cameron (Brennan, Aungier, Tevlin and O’Connor): gcameron@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Olivia Kite (Quinn): okite@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Catherine O’Sullivan (Conlon): cosullivan@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr John McCoy (Aungier): jmccoy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr James Horrocks (Brennan): jhorrocks@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr John McCullum (Tevlin): jmccullum@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Matt Barr (O’Connor): mbarr@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Damien Thompson (Lacey): dthompson@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Scott Coleman (Green): scoleman@waverley.nsw.edu.au