Year 12 Sustainability Group leaders, Sebastien Van De Hoek and Jayden Lim
From Sustainability Coordinator, Ms Emily Pace
As part of World Environment Day on Friday, 5 June, the Senior School Sustainability Group carried out a campus rubbish audit. This was led by Sebastien Van De Hoek and Jayden Lim, along with sixteen Year 12 prefects.
The boys got stuck into sorting the rubbish into 5 groups:
- Mixed recycling items
- Landfill
- Dry paper and cardboard
- Food scraps and dirty paper for composting
- Soft plastics
The different categories were then weighed, revealing that over 50% of the rubbish going into the general waste bins could be composted! We also found that the use of mixed recycling bins could be improved by simply following the listed guidelines on the bins.
This event helped to raise awareness of what we need to do to improve our waste disposal and how we can move forward with our composting drive. This will make a huge impact on our overall sustainability as a College and reduce the amount of our waste that goes into landfill. Sustainability Group will now focus on creating resources to educate students on how best to recycle and use our fantastic new composting bins.
Senior Sustainability Group meets every Tuesday Lunchtime in E04. Anyone who is interested in improving sustainability on campus is very welcome to come along!