Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Staff & Student Wellbeing
Winter Uniform Improvements
This term there has been a weekly uniform check when boys leave the campus at the end of the day. I am happy to say that over the past nine weeks only on four occasions did a student not have their correct winter uniform on or be in possession of a uniform pass. This is a significant improvement in a short period of time and sends a positive message to the community in terms of the great things happening at the College. Boys are to be reminded that these checks will now be conducted daily during Term 3.
I am confident that doing the small things well (such as uniform) means we can continue achieve great things as a school.
2020 Student Interviews
The Executive and I are currently interviewing for the 2020 cohort and it is great to see the wonderful families who are about to join our Community and contribute to the College. During the interviews, I go through the many benefits that come from attending a school such as Waverley and the importance of partnership between parents, College and their sons.
At Waverley College, our core business is underpinned by good relationships. We are well aware that our boys will respond positively if they know that they are valued and treated fairly. Our vertical house structure, mentor groups, extensive co-curricular program, wellbeing and health centers are all evidence of this.
If relationships are so important, how are we as parents prioritising them? What are the mantras or rituals our families follow to engender togetherness? How are the sacrifices of the past being appreciated by your sons? Recent research is showing that many young people are finding it difficult establishing and maintaining relationships and socialising because they spend so much time alone, face down in an electronic device, they can’t read faces.
Parents need to reclaim their families. Family meals where topics like gratitude, joy, love and interests are discussed. Beginning a conversation with “what was something good that happened to me today?” We now live in a culture devoid of deep and meaningful conversation. Try a device-free hour or two to spark the joy of family time, and hopefully be able to put a focus on what is clearly valued by you all. Relationships and family.
“Humans. They sacrifice their health to make money. Then they sacrifice money to recuperate their health. Then they are so anxious about the future that they do not enjoy the present. The result is that they risk not living in the present or the future: they live as if they are never going to die, and then die never having really lived”