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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


From the Deputy Head – Staff & Students, Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan

Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing

From the Deputy Head – Staff & Students, Patrick Brennan

Association of Social Media and Depression in Adolescence

Over the break, I read a research paper which investigated the association of various types of screen time and depression in adolescence. The study of 3826 adolescents (47% females, 53% males) identified a direct link between social media use with the symptoms of depression in adolescence. Longitudinal research in this space is scarce so this study, where data was collected over the six-year period between 2012-2018, provides us with a rare insight into the extent of this relationship. Results concluded that each year an adolescent is engaged in social media, depression symptoms also increased. In addition, the study showed that for every increased hour spent using social media, many adolescents showed an increase in depressive symptoms.

Whilst we cannot ignore the role that social media plays in our children’s lives, we can, however, develop media literacy which gives our students the ability to deconstruct the often skewed messages they are bombarded with on social media.

The College develops these skills not only through our PDHPE programs but also during Wellbeing time. Parents too can support these messages by reinforcing that the world seen through the lens of social media is often highly curated and manipulated.

Waverley College Sharing Best Practice

Last term the College was visited by groups from the Diocese of Broken Bay, St Joseph’s College – Hunters Hill and Edmund Rice College – Wollongong who looked at our facilities, wellbeing structures and PDHPE Programs.
Waverley College continues to strengthen its reputation as a leader in boys education. Schools in the Broken Bay Diocese are looking to replicate our wellbeing structures whilst Edmund Rice College is moving from a traditional horizontal model to a vertical structure, the same journey we took several years ago.

Waverley’s partnership with the GO Foundation strengthened

Fran Grant and her boys at the recent Reconciliation Week Assembly, held in Term 2.

Waverley College began its partnership with the GO Foundation in 2019. Each year, GO and the College will co-fund the enrolment of Indigenous students. Founded by Adam Goodes and Michael O’Loughlin, the GO Foundation began its focus on education in 2014.

Last week, Federal Minister of Indigenous Affairs, Ken Wyatt announced GO as the recipient of a $4.5 million government grant, to be provided over the next three years which will further cement the ongoing partnership we have. GO has always said that they will not be reliant on government funds and that is still the case. This funding will allow GO to build capacity and internal strength for the next stage of their growth.

Waverley College remains a vital part of the GO Ecosystem. The access and opportunities and the scholarships the College provides to Indigenous students remains integral to the GO program.

When Adam Goodes and Michael O’Loughlan established the GO scholarship program they wanted culture at its heart and a commitment to support students who lived at home, on country, and in community. They wanted to expose students to Indigenous success stories and raise students’ expectations of themselves. This ‘wish list’ was based on their own lived experiences and it continues to form the central tenants of who we are as an organisation.

For further information on a GO scholarship at Waverley College please contract our registrar, Ms Terese Kielt on 9369 0600 or