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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


From the Deputy Head – Staff & Students, Patrick Brennan

Sydney Light Rail

Boys need support for positive body image too

It is vital that parents and the College understand that body image and eating disorders are developing and increasing in boys and men. Understanding these issues in females has largely been the focus of body image and eating disorder research studies and treatment programs to date, due to the greater prevalence of these issues amongst girls and women. Research now confirms that eating disorders and negative body image in males are increasing. The relationship a young person has with their body is a complex one. In our image-obsessed society, where young people are bombarded with narrow, stereotypical appearance and beauty ideals at every turn, the pressures on body image are more intense than ever before.

While there are many similarities when it comes to how body image concerns develop in girls and boys, research suggests there are a few differences including the appearance ideal that is being pursued. For girls, the drive is mostly for ‘thinness’ and for boys, mostly the lean, muscular ideal. The increased drive for muscularity is contributing to body concerns in boys and negatively influencing the exercise and eating behaviours they engage in. It is important that when considering boys and their body image that the role of masculinity is also considered. Physical strength and muscularity (muscle size) is too often celebrated in a man and this is problematic. With an increase in adolescent males overusing supplements and turning to steroids, it is important that muscular-masculine ideals are challenged.

Sydney Light Rail Arriving Soon

Sydney Light Rail will be Arriving Soon The Sydney Light Rail will commence services between Circular Quay and Randwick in December 2019 followed by services between Kingsford and Circular Quay in March 2020. Many Waverley College students and their families will benefit from this significant infrastructure investment in the area.

It is important to remind our boys about staying safe around trams and the new light rail environment. Trams are quiet and cannot stop quickly. We remind students and their families when walking near light rail to look both ways before stepping out, checking twice for trams, use designated crossings points and avoid distractions, such as mobile phones.

Student and Concession Travel in relation to light rail services is as follows:

Existing students

When the Sydney Light Rail opens in December 2019, students travelling on a School Opal card under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) will be able to tap on and tap off to travel on any mode of transport to get to or from school, or college. Students do not need to update their entitlement to include Light Rail as it will be automatically applied.

New student applications

Any school students making a new SSTS application for free travel to and from school, or updating an existing entitlement, will be eligible to travel on the new Sydney Light Rail, as well as other transport modes, as long as they meet the usual eligibility requirements. Applications for student travel in 2020 are now open. Students or parents should go to the SSTS online application form at

Will school bus pass holders be impacted?

Transport for NSW is designing a new light rail and bus network for the southeast, however, these changes will not occur until after the services are bedded between Kingsford and Circular Quay in March 2020. More information will be provided after March 2020 once the detailed bus plan is finalised.

There is the potential for some school students to be affected if their bus service is replaced by Light Rail services in 2020. These children use the School Term Bus Pass to travel, and therefore won’t be able to use this ticket on Light Rail. If they wish to use the Light Rail to travel to school, they will need to use a Child/Youth Opal card.

For more information on the School Student Transport Scheme visit

For more information about Sydney Light Rail visit