Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith
Welcome back to Term 4, it has been wonderful seeing the students return with energy and enthusiasm.
Updated ICT Policy
I want to thank the community for their support in regards to our updated ICT policy. The students have been respectful in understanding and responding to the ban on mobile phones. We know for some students this has caused some angst, and we are here to work with them as we move through this change. I have included our updated ICT policy to clarify any questions or concerns you might still have.
Click here to view the Responsible Use of Technology Policy
Year 12 Study Lounge
Our new Year 12 study lounge opened to our students this week as they complete their HSC. At the commencement of Week 4, we very much look forward to welcoming our new Year 12 cohort into the space.
This area is especially assigned for Year 12 to engage in private study and collaborate with their peers.
During recess and lunch it will be a time for study as well as social engagement. During home study periods, as well as before and after school, we encourage students to use the time to study in this space.
This is a reminder that the pool is open throughout Term 4 for any students who would like to swim at lunchtime.
Concerning Social Media Activity
It has been brought to our attention that there is a circulation of graphic content on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, including hostage videos associated with groups like Hamas. It is concerning how easily this content makes its way onto the screens of our children.
We would like to emphasise that what our children see on the Internet cannot be unseen, and exposure to such disturbing content can have lasting effects on their emotional and psychological wellbeing.
To address this issue, we strongly urge you to take proactive measures to monitor and guide your child’s social media use in the coming days and beyond.
If you need any support or guidance please reach out to our College Psychologists. Their contact details are at the bottom of this page.
TikTok Deep Dive
TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms among young people around the world. You’ve probably heard of its fun choreographed videos and many viral trends, but do you know how to enable the platform’s parental controls and what its age recommendation is? Find out inside our Online Safety Hub by clicking the button below.
Click here to view our Online Safety Hub
Uniform and Appearance
It has been fantastic to see most students have returned adhering to the rules and expectations in regards to uniform and appearance. Throughout next week we will be focusing on ensuring the students are adhering to these rules and expectations. This includes appropriate hairstyles and correct school shoes. If your son is not currently placed within these guidelines please ensure this is rectified over the weekend.
- Hair should be neatly cut, tidy and maintained at all times.
- Shorter hair at the back and sides must be blended gradually into the longer hair on top.
- The fringe must be cut to a length above the eyebrows, not kept longer and simply brushed to the side.
- Hair must be cut and worn so that the ears are completely exposed. Sweeping longer hair behind the ears is not permitted.
- Long hair is not permitted, unless otherwise approved by the College Principal or Deputy Principal.
- Hair is not to be cut any shorter than a number two blade, unless approved by the College Principal.
- Undercut styles, dramatic layering, tracks, mohawks, mullets, overuse of product, tinting, colouring, dreadlocks, strands of hair, or lines are not acceptable.
Students who fail to meet the above standards, may be subject to a range of disciplinary consequences, including but not limited to being removed from class or being sent home, to return to the College once the breach has been addressed.
Standard black leather lace-up shoes are the only acceptable footwear except during sport. No suede or branded shoes ie: Nike, New Balance or ASIC etc. Shoes must be of a leather type that can be polished to a shine. Shoes with coloured stitching or other embellishments such as buckles are not acceptable. Boots of any type are not permissible.
Ms Gabby Smith
Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing
Creating Routines for Term 4
Welcome back to the last Term of 2023. The start of a new Term often brings a change in routine from holidays, which may have been filled with nice, long sleep ins and days spent at the beach. It can take a little while for us to readjust to coming back to school, given that school is quite structured in comparison.
School requires us to arrive on time, listen and concentrate in class, participate in co-curricular activities, and soon enough begin assessment tasks. This sudden shift can create quite a shock for our brains which tend to like keeping things the same. If you notice it takes a few weeks to get back into the groove of school, this is very normal (and can even be expected). Something that we can do early in the Term to help our brains with the school structure is to create a routine to gently build consistency back into our days.
Creating Routines
When our daily activities are predictable and familiar, we may feel more confident, secure, and in control of our environments. One small but significant routine to take a closer look at are our morning and night routines. The more emphasis we place on our sleep and wake routines, the more likely our brains and bodies will get quality rest which may increase our mood, motivation, and overall wellbeing.
You might like to create a small check list of things to do before bed (e.g., switch off technology at a certain time, have a warm shower, pack your school bag, lay out your uniform, read a chapter of a book), and things to do when you wake up (e.g., take the dog for a walk, make a nutritionally dense meal, wash your face, leave for school at a certain time). The more consistent we are with routines, the more likely the routine will stick. Start small and don’t over complicate it. Soon enough, it will become a habit and something that comes a little easier to us. Our brains will know what to expect and may make the transition back to school a little easier.
Psychology Services are available for students at Waverley College to help with creating routines as well as to receive support in all areas of life (stress, low mood, difficulties at home, etc.). Feel free to reach out to the Wellbeing Team or your Head of House for further information.
Psychology Team
Junior School Psychologists
- Ms Dawn Young (Year 5 students)
dyoung@waverley.nsw.edu.au - Ms Alexsandra McCredie (Year 6 students)
Senior School Psychologists
- Ms Samantha Jessen (Lacey, Quinn, Conlon and Green House students)
sjessen@waverley.nsw.edu.au - Mr Greg Cameron (O’Connor, Brennan and Aungier House students)
gcameron@waverley.nsw.edu.au - Ms Olivia Stelling (Tevlin House students)

Image: courtesy The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research