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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Deputy Principal – Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Part 2 – Connection, Culture, Communication (CCC) Time

After our introduction to the new Wellbeing structures and programs being introduced at Waverley in 2024, we continue this week with part two in our series. This second edition will provide an insight into our revamped ‘Wellbeing Time’, now dubbed ‘CCC Time.’ Here, Ms Rebecca Gair (Head of Quinn House) outlines what CCC Time entails, what students will do as part of the program, and what the intended outcomes of the program are. 

What is CCC Time?

CCC Time, short for Connection, Culture and Communication, is 15 minutes dedicated to student wellbeing each day. It emphasises fostering Culture and Connections within the school, House, and the smaller CCC Time groups. The focus lies on nurturing a culture of inclusion, embracing College touchstones of inclusive community, and facilitating communication to deepen connections and strengthen both Waverley and the House culture. Students will cultivate a sense of belonging and connection with their mentors and peers across Years 7-12.

What will students be doing in CCC Time?

During CCC Time, students will engage in the following activities each week:

  • Monday: “Circle Time” provides students with a platform to come together, promoting inclusivity, agency, positivity, equity, and respect. They discuss upcoming events, current affairs, weekend outcomes, and more.
  • Tuesday: Students focus on “Forward Planning”, enhancing organisational skills, managing assessment schedules, and revisiting their SMART goals, both long and short term.
  • Wednesday: Dubbed “Waves Wednesday,” this day features senior-led activities, fostering student voice and leadership within their smaller wellbeing groups. Each Wednesday, students from Years 12, 11, and 10 take turns leading a range of activities. This initiative provides our senior students with leadership opportunities, along with allowing students in Years 7-9 to view their senior counterparts through a different lens. Waves Wednesday lends itself to ensuring that leadership is the responsibility of all.
  • Thursday: Groups have the flexibility to engage in “something different,” exploring House and wellbeing group activities tailored to their interests.
  • Friday: Fridays alternate between “house assemblies” and “circle time.” House assemblies foster a sense of community, discussing College events, key announcements, and team-building activities. Circle time on Fridays allows for reflection on the week and discussion of upcoming weekend events in the co-curricular space.

What do we hope to achieve with CCC Time?

The overarching goal of CCC Time is to instil in students a profound connection to their House, school, and peers, ensuring that each student feels known, valued, and challenged to reach their potential. Providing opportunities for a break from screens and promoting conversation and engagement, are central to fostering student wellbeing during this time.

In the next Nurrunga, we look forward to outlining how we are refreshing our overall Wellbeing Framework in conjunction with the AIS (Association of Independent Schools), and outlining our new position within the College, Head of Student Wellbeing.

CCC poster


Ms Rebecca Gair (on behalf of the Heads of House)

Head of Quinn House

Reminder: Early Dismissal for Senior School Students on Monday, 26 February 2024

On Monday, 26 February, from 1:30pm-3:30pm, parents/carers of students in Years 7-12 are invited to meet their son’s Wellbeing Mentor via Zoom, to engage in a conversation that will help us to best cater to their needs in 2024. This important initiative supports our student Wellbeing program. 

The zoom codes will be sent to parents/carers on Friday, 23 February 2024 after the bookings close at 3:30pm.

If you are having trouble logging in to the Parent Portal or connecting to the zoom meeting, please contact iAssist or (02) 9369 0784.

Students in Years 7-12 will be dismissed at 1pm, because it is expected, where possible, that students will attend these meetings with their parents/carers. Limited supervision will be provided in the Library and in the Centenary Quad from 1pm-3:15pm.

Calm and Connected Tweens and Teens – Parenting Summit

Please see the below for information regarding a free parenting summit being run by a number of leaders in the field of student wellbeing, many of whom have presented to parents, staff and students at Waverley.

Who wouldn’t want a calm and connected tween or teen?

Commencing Thursday, 22 February 2024, is the Calm & Connected Tweens/Teens Online Summit, where world-renowned parenting experts like Maggie Dent, Paul Dillion, Michelle Mitchell, Dr Vanessa Lapointe, Andrew Fuller, Brett Lee, and many more to share insights and strategies on supporting kids through the tumultuous tween and teen years.

Sessions will focus on topics such as ‘Raising Confident, Resilient Teens’ and will involve sharing practical strategies to foster self-belief, tenacity and resilience in teens. 

The summit is free to register, which grants you access to watch each presentation recordings for 24 hours each day from 22-24 February starting at 8am (AEST). If you’d like longer access and extra resources, you might want to consider upgrading to the All Access Pass, which contains a ton of value for a nominal investment. The early bird rate for the All Access Pass is ONLY $49.

Parenting Summit


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students