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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Deputy Principal – Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Galmatic Car Workshops – Year 11

On Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 March 2024, Year 11 students participated in the Galmatic Car Maintenance Workshops. Our senior students have been actively participating in these very practical car maintenance workshops for the past five years.

Year 11 Galmatic Car Workshop

In one-to-one and group scenarios, students learned both theory and hands-on training, improving their knowledge, skills, confidence and safety awareness in a one-hour, outdoor session in Braidwood.

Year 11 Galmatic Car Workshop

Students learned how to change a tyre, how to change the oil, wiper fluid or coolant and about the important parts of the engine. These workshops are important because they empower teenagers to feel confident about fixing a car safely, quickly and easily.

Year 11 Galmatic Car Workshop

Behaviour on Public Transport and E-Bikes

It is disappointing to receive regular complaints from members of the public about our students’ behaviour on public transport. Our students are reminded at almost every College Assembly and House meeting, about expectations on public transport and about their behaviour in the community when they are in school uniform and representing Waverley College.

Please remind your son about the expectations on public transport;

  • All students must use their Opal pass to tap on and off the bus/ train
  • Stand for elderly or disabled passengers, pregnant women or mothers with small children
  • No feet on seats and placing school bag on seats so other people can’t sit down
  • Use respectful language and keep noise to a minimum – no swearing, using offensive language or playing loud music
  • Do not throw food on the bus
  • Follow the driver’s instructions at all times
  • Only press the bell if you intend to get off the bus.

The College has also received numerous complaints about students riding e-bikes in the wrong direction up one way streets, at high speeds and without helmets. This not only puts the rider at risk of serious injury if they get hit by a car or fall off, but also to members of the public who cross their path.

As with all modes of transport to and from school, students need to comply with all traffic laws and remember that they are representatives of the College while travelling in public.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students


World’s Greatest Shave – 4 April 2024

With no screening programs available and no means of prevention through lifestyle changes, blood cancer is Australia’s hidden cancer crisis. Every day, 53 Aussies are diagnosed with blood cancer, and 16 will lose their life.

It requires teamwork to stop blood cancer from wrecking lives. That’s why we’ve decided to team up to take part in the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave together.

We’ll be raising crucial funds that will give people facing blood cancer all the support and information they need, while driving breakthrough research projects discovering better ways to diagnose and treat blood cancer.

2024 World's Greatest Shave - Lacey House

You have the power to help us make an extraordinary difference. Big or small, every donation counts. Will you help by sponsoring us?

Top fundraisers will be eligible to have their head shaved (minimum # 2 with parent/carer permission) on 4 April 2024.

Learn more HERE.


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of Lacey House