Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith
Free Mental Health Resources for Families
Caregivers of children experiencing mental health issues often feel alone, but research clearly indicates this is not the case. The most recent Australian population survey estimated that approximately 1 in 7 children/adolescents aged 4-17 years had experienced a mental health illness in the previous 12 months (Lawrence, et al., 2015). It has also been estimated that half of all mental health disorders in adults start before a child is 14 years of age. What’s more, over 50% of children displaying mental health difficulties are not receiving any professional support. ADHD and anxiety are reportedly the most common diagnoses, followed by major depressive disorder, and conduct disorder (National Mental Health Commission, 2021; Lawrence, et al., 2015).
Unfortunately, there are a number of factors that prevent caregivers from seeking psychological help, including uncertainty about support services, cost, and long waiting lists. The good news is there are a number of excellent, evidence-based resources that are free and easy for caregivers and students to access. These can be a great first step to resolving issues and are particularly useful for families who find themselves on a waiting list:
This group program is for caregivers of children aged 9-18 years and is held over 6 x 2 hour sessions. The aim is to facilitate communication and connection with your child.
The Triple P program has been extensively researched. It offers free online parenting programs for 1) caregivers of children under 12 years; 2) caregivers of children experiencing anxiety and 3) caregivers who are in the process of separating or divorcing.
This online program is for caregivers of children aged 2-17 years. It has been developed to be father friendly since having both caregivers complete any parenting program is valuable.
This evidence based online program is designed for caregivers and offers strategies to support an anxious child.
This self directed, evidence based online program is for children aged 3-17 who are displaying or reporting symptoms of anxiety. Each has a parallel caregiver program.
This Way Up – Teen Sadness and Worry Program
This free online program is designed to help teens (aged 12-17) manage stress, anxiety, worry and low mood. Caregivers can also complete modules to support their child. This program requires a prescription from a GP or mental health professional.
A free self guided online program aimed to build resilience and well being in teens aged 13-16 years. It promotes strategies to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression whilst enhancing wellbeing.
This free, self guided program is for individuals aged 16 onwards. It aims to teach well established Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques to assist with depression and anxiety.
This website is an extremely useful resource for parents of children/teens with a diagnosis of ADHD. It provides videos and webinars with evidence-based practical strategies.
The Waverley School Psychologists would be very happy to provide any further guidance about these programs. They are also available to offer psychological support to your son, but if you believe that your child needs more urgent assistance, please contact your GP.
Junior School Psychologists
- Ms Alexsandra McCredie (Year 5 students) amccredie@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Ms Dawn Young (Year 6 students) dyoung@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Senior School Psychologists
- Ms Samantha Jessen (Lacey, Quinn, Conlon and Green House students) sjessen@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Mr Greg Cameron (O’Connor, Brennan and Aungier House students) gcameron@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Ms Olivia Stelling (Tevlin House students) ostelling@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Lawrence J.S., Hafekost J., Boterhoven De Haan K., Sawyer M., Ainley J, & Zubrick S.R. (2015). The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Department of Health, Canberra.
National Mental Health Commission. (2021). National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. National Mental Health Commission.
Ms Dawn Young
Psychologist (Year 6 students)
Hearts 4 Arch Day, Thursday, 13 June, 2024
A reminder that we are holding a Hearts 4 Arch day on Thursday 13 June in memory of Year 8 student Archie Perkin who passed away in 2020 from a pre-existing heart condition over the summer holiday period. Archie would have been graduating from Waverley College this year. We look forward to welcoming Archie’s family to our College Assembly where they will share Archie’s story and the importance of the Hearts 4 Arch Foundation.
Students will wear mufti clothes and are required to give a gold coin donation.
All money raised will go directly to the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network Cardiac Unit and to the purchase of mobile ECG units known as ‘Kardia’. The aim is to provide a Kardia unit to every eligible cardiac patient at Sydney Children’s Hospitals, and at $173 each, every dollar counts. Donations can be made through the Hearts 4 Arch Foundation.
We also encourage students to purchase merchandise which they can wear throughout Week 7. This will be available for purchase at school on Thursday 13 June and Friday 14 June, or you can also purchase merchandise here.

Archie Perkin
Year 10 Dinner Cruise, Thursday, 13 June, 2024
Year 10 students will be dismissed from school at 1:15pm at the conclusion of the Hearts 4 Arch Assembly on Thursday 13 June.
Dinner Cruise details
Date: Thursday, 13 June 2024
Time: 5:45pm – 10pm (meet at Star City Casino Wharf at 5:30pm)
Venue: Bella Vista Cruise Ship
Embark/Disembark: Star City Casino Wharf, Pirrama Road, Pyrmont
Dress: Smart formal attire for all guests – boys to wear suit with jacket, tie and trousers
If you have any further questions, please email Ms Suzi Sucur (Administrator Wellbeing Centre) at ssucur@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Morning Drop Off Zone – Birrell Street Reminder
Local parking enforcement officers have noticed that parents/carers in cars are dropping off their sons in the ‘No Stopping’ zone at the front of the Senior School on Birrell Street.
On Wednesday morning, parking enforcement officers attended this zone and took photos of cars. Please be aware that parents/carers dropping their sons in the ‘No Stopping’ zone may be fined $300 with one demerit point taken.
Parents/carers can either drop off where the parking sign is, which is a drop and go area (30 metres down from the driveway entrance) or you can come into the driveway.
I ask all parents/carers to please do the right thing and be good role models for your children – this helps keep everyone in our community safe.
Ms Gabby Smith
Deputy Principal – Students
Lunch Club
This year, Waverley College was approached by the Board of Jewish Education (BJE) who have offered to run programs for all Jewish students at the college. Part of this involves a weekly ‘lunch club’ for Jewish students run with staff from the BJE.
Mr James Horrocks
Head of Student Wellbeing