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From the Deputy Principal – Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith

As we approach the school holidays, I want to thank you all for a wonderful Term 2. Thank you to all our incredible parents/carers for the support you continue to show the College. We appreciate being able to work in collaboration with you.

I would also like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period. This time is an opportunity to unwind, recharge, and create wonderful memories with family and friends. Whether you’re travelling or staying close to home, I encourage you to enjoy your time and take care of yourselves.

We look forward to your return in Term 3, refreshed and rejuvenated. Waverley thrives on your energy and enthusiasm, and I look forward to hearing about your adventures and seeing your renewed spirit in the classroom.

Remember to stay safe, make responsible choices, and have fun. 

How to Stay Healthy over the Holidays

Holidays can be challenging. Without routine, it’s still important to stay healthy and look after yourself.

For some young people, this time of year can be challenging. It can feel as though you’ve been taken away from your usual routine of studies or work and you may not get to see your friends, teachers or workmates as often as you would like to. This can leave you feeling bored, unsupported, upset and sometimes anxious. It’s important to stay healthy and look after yourself. There are a number of ways to help you do this, please take a look at the following Headspace page.

ClearlyMe App

I recently wrote about a new app that has been developed by the Black Dog Institute called ClearlyMe. ClearlyMe is an app designed for teens aged 12-17 who are experiencing depressive symptoms, psychological distress or in other words, going through a tough time.

What is a tough time?

Depression can be more than just feeling low or sad. It could mean that we are feeling stressed, worried, anxious or overwhelmed. Other times, it could be that we struggle to get out of bed in the morning, and we don’t know why.

It is normal to go through tough times, and usually, they can pass on their own. But sometimes, they stay for a little while longer. And it can be hard to explain this feeling to others, leaving us feeling alone or even unseen.

ClearlyMe can help you to:

  • Think and feel better when you’re going through a tough time.
  • Be the best version of yourself and get the most out of school and life.
  • Get to know yourself through your thoughts, feelings and actions.
  • Feel less alone and know help is available, if you need it.

Term 3 Uniform Expectations 

As we look towards Term 3, a few reminders around college uniform expectations:

  • The college blazer needs to be worn to and from school, and shirts need to remain tucked in, especially while travelling in public.
  • Students cannot mix the sports and academic uniforms.  There are a number of layers available within the academic uniform to help students stay warm during the colder months.
  • Hoodies (including the college one) are not to be worn with the academic uniform or under blazers.
  • The black lining of the all-weather jacket (Jappara) cannot be worn by itself.  This lining needs to be attached to the outer layer that has the college crest on it.

Community Consultation Launch – Walking in Waverley

Waverley Council is developing its first strategy to promote walking. We want to make it safer and more pleasant to walk to schools, public transport, shops, parks, and beaches, and to better integrate walking with other modes of transport.

The Waverley Walking Strategy project kicks off in June with a community survey about where people currently like to walk, where they would like to walk more, and what would encourage them to walk more often. The strategy also applies to community members with limited mobility and those who use mobility aids.

Figures from the 2023 Household Travel Survey show that a higher proportion of all daily trips are on foot in Waverley, compared to the Greater Sydney average. All trips, whether by car, public transport or bicycle, involve walking, which means walking is the foundation of our transport system.

The Walking Strategy project is in line with the objectives of the Council’s People, Movement and Places Strategy and the Disability Inclusion Action Plan.

To complete the survey, CLICK HERE. The survey is open until 21 July, 2024.

You can also join the Have Your Say pop-up stand in Bondi Junction, Oxford Street Mall on 10 July, 11:30AM to 1:30PM.

For further information, please contact Leigh Pitkethly, Engagement Officer at or 9083 8362.