Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabrielle Smith
As we embark on the second half of 2023 after a three-week break, we return to routine and focus. I reminded the students at our Assembly on Tuesday that it is the little things that make a big impact. I asked them to start by tucking in their shirts, wearing their blazers, and ensuring we arrive at class on time.
These seemingly small actions reflect our commitment to excellence and create an atmosphere of respect and professionalism. They demonstrate that we value our education and the opportunities it presents. So, let’s embrace the details, uphold high standards, and set the stage for a successful Semester 2.
Opal Cards
In Term 2 this year, we sought your assistance in encouraging our students to Tap On and Off with their School or Child/Youth Opal Cards. While there has been some improvement, unfortunately, the majority of students are still not using their Opal Cards.
This is concerning, as it puts several school bus routes at risk of being redistributed by Transport for NSW to areas that have demonstrated a greater need.
It is a condition of the Student Code of Conduct when travelling, that students must Tap On and Off with their School Opal Card or Child/Youth Opal Card every time when using public transport. This is so that Transport for NSW can understand customer travel patterns and adjust the services provided, if necessary.
What can parents and carers do to help?
We kindly ask that all parents/carers ensure that their children have a valid Opal card for travelling to and from school each day. We also ask that you please encourage them to Tap On and Off every time they use a bus service.
To be eligible for a School Opal Card the student must:
- be a resident of NSW, or an overseas student eligible for free government education.
- be aged 4 years 6 months or older. Pre-school children are not eligible.
- live a minimum distance from your school:
*Years K-2 (Infants) – No minimum distance.
*Years 3-6 (Primary) – 1.6km straight line distance or 2.3km walking or further.
*Years 7-12 (Secondary) – 2km straight line distance or 2.9km walking or further.
If you do not meet these criteria, your child will need to carry a Child/Youth Opal card with funds loaded onto it.
If your child’s School Opal Card has expired or been damaged, lost or stolen, please visit transportnsw.info/school-travel-apply to reapply.
If you are still waiting for your School Opal Card to arrive, please follow up with OPAL directly by calling 131 500.
Register now: eSafety Commissioner’s Online Relationships and Consent webinar
The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT, in partnership with the eSafety Commissioner, is offering all parents, carers, teachers and support staff the opportunity to join a free webinar designed for parents and carers of students in secondary school.
The 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in secondary school.
It will cover:
- The impact of sharing nude images without consent.
- Practical suggestions for starting the chat about respectful relationships, consent and pressure to send nudes.
- Where to get support for a young person who has experienced abuse.
- The impact of sharing nude images without consent.
Webinar details
Tuesday 15 August, 7:30pm-8pm
Knife Offences Update
On 29 June 2023, the Criminal Legislation Amendment (Knife Crimes) Bill 2023 passed the NSW Parliament. As the Attorney General noted in his second reading speech, the legislation responds to serious knife‐related incidents across NSW and recognises the significant risk posed by the possession/use of knives in public places and schools.
Being in possession of or brandishing a knife in public or at school is already an offence under the Summary Offences Act 1988, but with the passage of this new legislation, the offences will move to the Crimes Act 1900 with increased maximum penalties:
- The maximum fine for possession of a knife will increase from 20 penalty units to 40 penalty units, or $4,400.
- The maximum fine for wielding a knife will increase from 50 penalty units to 100 penalty units, or $11,000.
- The maximum term of imprisonment for these offences will increase from two years to four years.
The legislation provides for reasonable excuses for possessing a knife, including when it is necessary for:
- the lawful pursuit of an occupation, education or training
- the preparation or consumption of food, or drink
- the exhibition of knives for retail or other trade purposes.
While these reforms represent significant increases and the toughest penalties of all Australian jurisdictions for such offences, the NSW Government has indicated that children and young people “will still remain eligible for diversion options under the Young Offenders Act 1997”, including “cautions and referrals to youth justice conferences” (second reading speech). The Government has also promised to monitor how these reforms impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Waverley College School Bags – Out of Stock
Our onsite Uniform Shop is currently out of stock of the Waverley backpack. These should be back in stock by September. The Uniform Shop sincerely apologises for any inconvenience.
Ms Gabby Smith
Deputy Principal – Students