Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith
Jack’s Law – Information Sharing
In June 2024 the NSW Government passed legislation modelled on Queensland’s ‘Jack’s Law’, to permit Police, with the proper authority, to “wand” or “scan” people using a handheld metal scanner for knives without a warrant.
The legislation forms part of the NSW Government response to community concern about access to knives and the incidence of knife crime.
Under the new laws, a senior police officer (Assistant Commissioner or above) can, by written instrument, declare public transport stations, sporting venues and other public places (prescribed by regulations) to be designated areas where police officers are authorised to use handheld scanners. An area can only be declared to be a designated area if the following happened at the place in the previous 12 months:
- at least one offence was committed by a person armed with a knife or other weapon
- at least one serious indictable offence involving violence against a person was committed
- more than one offence of possessing a knife or prohibited weapon in a public place or school was committed.
Year 10 End of Term Arrangements
Please find enclosed the end of term arrangements for Year 10 students.
Year 10 Final Day of classes – Friday 15 November, 2024
Year 10 students’ final day of classes is Friday 15 November. Students have been reminded to return their textbooks at the conclusion of their exams. Textbooks can be returned to Book Hire between 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday or they can place them in the returns box located at the main reception.
Year 10 Examinations – Monday 18 November to Friday 22 November, 2024
- Year 10 students only attend school during this week when they have an examination.
- Students must be in full summer uniform with all necessary equipment and assemble in the Centenary Quad before the exam starting time.
- Students who have not yet completed or failed to pass a NESA Minimum Standards Exam, will be required at school on Friday 22nd November to complete or resit their exam(s). These students will be advised separately as to the exam(s) they are sitting and time required at school.
- Year 10 Exam Timetable Semester 2, 2024 Lauren to provide PDF
Year 10 Service Week – Monday 25 November to Friday 29 November, 2024
Congratulations to all our Year 10 Students who will be undertaking their Service Week Placements during Week 7. Thank you to all parents and carers who have assisted in this process. (Please see separate email regarding Service Week with further details coming Thursday 14th November).
To ensure students gain the most from their service to the community, could you please ensure punctuality, respect and that College expectations are upheld throughout the week. Teachers will be visiting students to assist and reflect on their progress, encouraging a meaningful and successful experience. We wish students all the best during this exciting week ahead.
Year 10 Reflection Day Mass – Monday 2 December, 2024
Please note our Year 10 Reflection Mass will now take place at Mary Immaculate Church 45A Victoria St Waverley at 9:15am for parents and students. There will be NO Mass at the College Chapel or supper as was originally proposed due to renovations.
At the conclusion of Mass students will then proceed to Centennial Park with their Heads of House to take part in their Reflection day. College Sports uniform should be worn on the day. A BBQ lunch will be provided but students should bring their own water bottle and recess. Students will be dismissed from Centennial Park at 2:30pm.
Co-Curricular commitments
- Year 10 students are required to attend training during Exam week (Week 6), with the final round of Summer Sport on Saturday 23 November
- There is no training during Service Week
Presentation Day – Tuesday 3 December, 2024
- Years 9-12 Presentation Ceremony, 12pm – 1:30pm in the Gymnasium
- It is compulsory for all students from Years 5-12 to attend Presentation Day. Students are to wear their full academic summer uniform and should arrive 15 minutes before the event begins to be seated and have their attendance recorded.
- After the Presentation Day Ceremony, students in Years 9-12 will be dismissed from the Senior School at the conclusion of the event at 1:30pm.
- Parents and Carers of students who are receiving an award will be invited to attend and will be notified in a separate email including an RSVP form.
- The Presentation Day events will be live streamed, see link below. The link will be shared via the Waverley App on the morning of Presentation Day.
Live Stream Link – https://youtube.com/live/alTaMj03mTA?feature=share
Outstanding Detentions
- Any Year 10 students with outstanding detentions as at 15 November will need to come into school during exam week to complete these.
Purchase of Senior Tie (Year 11 & 12)
The uniform shop is very busy with bookings and walk-ins in the January holidays.
The uniform shop has requested that parents purchase a senior tie for their son, by the end of this term if possible.
Donations Required
As we move towards Christmas, we are reminded to reach out to those less fortunate than ourselves.
St Canice’s is a Jesuit parish in Elizabeth Bay, just behind Kings Cross, and their outreach centre works to provide weekly health, legal and employment clinics, daily showers with access to toiletries and personal care items and brand new clothing, along with daily meals and a coffee shop to those experiencing homelessness and social exclusion. These services are entirely funded by donations from generous parishioners, local residents, businesses, schools and the Waverley College community.
They are currently seeking donations of hamper items for Christmas, including:
- Bag of Lollies
- Sweet and Savory Biscuits
- Muesli Bars
- Can of Tuna/Chicken
- Baked Beans/Spaghetti
- Deodorant
- Lip Balm
- Socks
- Tea/Coffee
- Undies – Neutral colours (Unisex)
- Journals
- Soap
If you are able and willing to, these donations would be greatly appreciated. All donations can be dropped to the Senior School reception. We will be making regular deliveries to St Canice throughout Term 4.
Once again, your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated.