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From the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Holiday Learning Tips for Students: A Guide for Parents and Students

As we approach the holiday break, it’s important to remember that this time can be used effectively to stay on top of learning and prepare for the upcoming term. Here’s how students across different year levels can make the most of their holidays:

Year 12 Students

For our Year 12 students, this holiday is a crucial time to enact the study timetable you will create with Dr. Prue Salter during the pre-Trial session next Wednesday, 26 June in Period 1. Sticking to this timetable will help you manage your study load and ensure you’re well-prepared for your Trials.  Remember that the College library is open during the holidays 8am to 4pm for Year 12 students who would like to use a dedicated study area.  Please sign in at the library as you arrive and make use of your wonderful library space.

Additionally, this is the perfect opportunity to finalise any work on Major Works, Projects, and Performances. Creating a detailed plan will help you stay on track and avoid last-minute stress.

Students enrolled in the HSC plus Vocational program might consider using this time for work experience. 

Year 11 Students

Year 11 students should focus on consolidating their notes from Semester 1. Reviewing feedback from assessment tasks can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement. Use this time to set clear and achievable goals for Term 3, ensuring you start the new term with a strong sense of direction.

Years 7-10 Students

For students in Years 7 to 10, holidays are a great time to indulge in some enjoyable reading, especially if the weather encourages indoor activities. Selecting a good book can be both relaxing and intellectually stimulating.

We have a suggested reading list available here to help you choose a book that suits your interests. The school library is an excellent resource for finding new books to read. We encourage students to visit the library before the end of term and seek advice from the library staff if needed.

Additional Resources

Don’t miss the insightful article from Mr. Roberts and Ms. Ryan below, featuring our guest speaker, Mr. Charlton, a teacher from Manchester City. He shared how reading the stories of others has inspired him, and the article outlines various resources available in both print and audio formats for students.

Using the holidays effectively can make a significant difference in your academic journey. Whether it’s through structured study, work experience, note consolidation, or leisure reading, every bit of effort counts. Enjoy your holidays, stay productive, and come back ready to tackle the new term with enthusiasm and confidence!


Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


ICAS Science and English Assessments

We are delighted to announce that ICAS will return to Waverley College this year for English and Science. We encourage you to consider entering your child for either ICAS assessment. This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3.

English – 16 August, 2024

Science – 20 August, 2024

You now pay for ICAS individually online! To confirm your child’s participation, click here and enter our unique school code  RXV933 to make a direct payment to ICAS Assessments. You can register for either the English ICAS, Science ICAS or both!


Ms Emily Pace

Assistant Head of Science

Literacy and Library Update

We thank Ben Charlton for coming to two selected reading classes in the library to talk about the role of reading in the context of sport.

Ben shared with us some of his preparations indicating the role of literature via text and film and the role it can have to inspire.  The group discussed Michael Sheen’s Motivational speech for the Welsh football team and an extract from Roger Federer’s Dartmouth University speech.

“I think these are both great for generating conversation and I enjoyed them both. There are some great graduation speeches from famous actors. I love the ‘Wear Sunscreen’ graduation speech which was turned into a song (It’s an Australian graduation speech) – the words are powerful. There are also some great motivational speeches from sports movies – Al Pacino from Any given Sunday and Denzel Washington from We are the Titans,” said Mr Charlton.

Our reading session covered memorable biographies extracts and some targeted sports reading texts.

Ben particularly found reading the great runner Micheal Johnson’s biography inspiring and Ben shared this with the classes.

We look forward to working with staff throughout the College to promote reading and provide role models.

The Library is Open over School Holidays!

Just a reminder the library has an extensive e-book and audio book collection which is available anytime throughout the school holidays.  All resources can be accessed via the Library CANVAS page.

The library is staffed over the school holidays so your son is welcome to come to the library to borrow a print book to read at home.  We have a great range of novels for children and teens. Please see the reading list here.

28 years of the Big Issue

To support the College Social Justice Week we were lucky enough to host two guest speakers – Dave and Vernon from Big Issue –  to meet with some of the students during the College’s dedicated reading program in the library.

We prepared by reading The Big Issue magazine and learning about how The Big Issue helps improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness through employment opportunities, connection to community and the enhancement of self-esteem.

Literacy and PE Collaboration

We have been delighted to welcome all Year 8 PE classes to the library where we have presented students with a wide variety of text types – mainly non fiction – relating to the world of sport and wellbeing.

We relived the glory of Cathy Freeman’s victory as Mark Beretta’s No1 Australian sporting moment in his wonderful book Mark Beretta’s Greatest Moments in Australian Sport published in 2022.

The students read an article from The Sun Herald on the inclusion of breakdancing in this year’s Olympics, with focus on two Australian competitors who have dedicated their time and energy into gaining an entry.

The highlight for many students has definitely been listening to the audiobook of Arnold Schwarzenegger Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life and in particular Chapter 3 where he details the many sacrifices he made to ensure he became the best body-builder, the best action movie actor, and the best governor of California. The message: work, work, work! We have enjoyed sharing this message with the students and hope that they can transfer some of the lessons from these sporting moments and legends to their own lives. 

Thank you to all the Y8 PE teachers for reading our selected texts to the students.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services, Applied Philosophy Teacher