Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Staff Professional Learning Days
In their 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis into the characteristics of effective teacher professional development, Sim, Fletcher-Wood, O’Mara-Eves, Cottingham, Stansfield, Van Herwegen and Anders posited that, “In the last two decades, a large number of experimental evaluations have tested the impact of different approaches to teacher PD. Evidence has accumulated showing that PD does indeed improve teaching and pupil learning.” (1)
With this in mind, at the end of Term 2 and the start of Term 3, we conducted a program of staff professional learning with the aim to improve student learning outcomes shaped by our NESA-informed Teaching and Learning vision and mission: To build an inclusive community of mutual trust and respect that values liberating teaching and learning, celebrates curiosity, critical thinking and nurtures globally-minded citizens.
Friday, 28 June – Staff Professional Learning Day
At the end of Term 2, we conducted a range of in-house professional learning sessions to address our strategic priorities for 2024-2025 from our Teaching & Learning Framework.
Session 1 targeted our continued work on supporting student mastery of foundational skills. Using their own learning from a range of external conferences and workshops, our Head of Academic Enrichment, Ms Helen Barrie, and Literacy Coordinator, Ms Mary Ryan, developed a workshop on Elevating Literacy and Writing Across the Curriculum.
Capturing the research and planning from our Data Focus Working Group meetings this year, Session 2 continued our learning series on using student performance data to know our students and inform our practice. The team conducted a range of targeted workshops to empower our teachers to use our data analytics program, Track One, to reflect on Semester 1 student progress and plan for Semester 2 teaching and learning programs.
Session 3 grappled with the issue of the use and management of AI in Education. After attending a network conference, our Head of English, Dr Michael Couani, Head of Library, Mr William Roberts and (Acting) Head of History for Term 1, Mr Nicholas Brophy, researched, prepared and facilitated a workshop on the pitfalls and opportunities of AI in the Education landscape.
With the pressing issue of cybersafety, our final session aimed to educate our teachers and support staff on how to mitigate the risks in the cyber security space. Our Director of Campus and ICT, Mr Simon Potter, went through the threat landscape including information on ransomware, password safety and AI threats.
Monday 22 July – EREA NSW Network Staff Professional Learning Day
At the start of this week, Waverley College hosted the seven EREA NSW schools – St Dominic’s College, St Pius College, Edmund Rice College, St Patrick’s College, Christian Brothers College, St Edward’s College and Waverley College – for a combined professional learning conference. The conference was framed as an ‘Invitation to Collaborate as a connected community in order to grow excellence in practice.’ The purpose of the day was to leverage our EREA NSW network to improve learning outcomes for students and staff in the Edmund Rice tradition.
This conference was a result of over six months of planning with the Teaching and Learning leaders at each of the seven EREA schools meeting with Heads of Departments in each Key Learning Area to determine the teaching and learning priorities in their faculties that merit further collaboration. The predominant themes centred around: NESA curriculum reform, boys’ education, engaging assessments, boys’ literacy, AI in education and catering for our diverse learners to name but a few.
Our EREA community embraced the expertise of our Heads of Department and their teams who worked tremendously hard to construct and facilitate a range of targeted professional learning workshops that addressed our identified key priorities.
We also welcomed a range of external presenters including:
- Keynote Speaker, Dr Ian Lillico, the founder and CEO of the Boys Forward Institute. He has a PhD (Education), is a National Fellow of The Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL) and was the ACEL 2006 National Travelling Scholar.
- Dr Garth Stahl, Associate Professor in the School of Education at The University of Queensland. Associate Professor Stahl’s research interests focus on the relationship between education and society, socio-cultural studies of education, student identities, equity/inequality, and social change.
- Ms Jennifer Woods from the Association of Independent Schools who presented to our Science and Mathematics teachers on the new Stage 4-5 syllabus and the implications on programming and assessment.
- Mr Simon Board (ACHPER – Australian Council for Health, Physical Education) who worked with our PDHPE teachers on the new Stage 6 Health Movement Science syllabus with a focus on the Depth studies and Collaborative Investigation assessment.
- Mr Jeff Hardy, a First Nations Speaker on Timeless Practices from the World’s Oldest Civilisation who offered an amazing opportunity to sit, listen and learn from an Aboriginal community member with over 30 years of experience in Education on how to best engage and support First Nations students and families.
Many thanks to Ms Maura Manning, Director of EREA NSW Colleges and CEO and her team for her tireless work with the Teaching and Learning leaders across the schools; Ms Sue Walsh and the Mission and Identity directorates across the seven schools for the tremendous work with the Mass; Mr Kevin Heath for his Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country; Ms Robin Ball and her team of support staff whose endless energy and care on the day was second to none; to our Heads of Department and teachers who presented on the day; and to all who attended and contributed to the sessions.
Sims, S., Fletcher-Wood, H., O’Mara-Eves, A., Cottingham, S., Stansfield, C., Van Herwegen, J., Anders, J. (2021). What are the Characteristics of Teacher Professional Development that Increase Pupil Achievement? A systematic review and meta-analysis. London: Education Endowment Foundation. The report is available here.
HSC Study Guide
During Weeks 1 and 2, our HSC plus ATAR students will be fervently preparing for their HSC Trial Examinations which commence in Week 3. As well as the Pre-Trial planning session with Dr Prue Salter which students attended at the end of last term and the online platforms to which we subscribe such as Atomi and Edrolo, there is also a really useful HSC Study Guide released by the Sydney Morning Herald as outlined below.
The HSC Study Guide is online now, packed with everything HSC students need to kick their exam goals!
Students can:
- find exam advice from teachers and past students
- learn how to nail their study routine
- test their knowledge with the ultimate HSC quiz
- learn the facts with HSC myth-busters
- hear from some familiar faces, who share their expertise across a range of HSC subjects.
There’s also practical mental health and wellbeing advice from the experts at ReachOut – with tailored tips for parents and carers on supporting their children in the lead up to exams.
Click here to access the HSC Study Guide 2024.
Live Parent Webinar: How to Get (and Keep!) Your Child Motivated
Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents on motivation on Wednesday, 7 August.
Elevate works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.
By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.
The upcoming webinar on motivation will give you a simple, realistic action plan to help keep your child motivated right up until the day of their last exam.
Live Parent Webinar: How to Get (and Keep!) Your Child Motivated
Wednesday, 7 August 6:30-7:30pm (AEST)
Click HERE to register.
Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:
- Using praise and reassurance to motivate your child
- Setting relevant and effective goals for your child
- Helping your child to stay motivated long-term
Ms Lynsey Porter
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
ICAS Science and English Assessments
We are delighted to announce that ICAS will return to Waverley College this year for English and Science. We encourage you to consider entering your child for either ICAS assessment. This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3.
- English – 16 August, 2024
- Science – 20 August, 2024
You now pay for ICAS individually online! To confirm your child’s participation, click here and enter our unique school code RXV933 to make a direct payment to ICAS Assessments. You can register for either the English ICAS, Science ICAS or both!
Ms Emily Pace
Assistant Head of Science