Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Authentic Experiences
Congratulations to the students and teachers who worked hard to celebrate Science Week this week. Many thanks to the Science Department who organised a range of activities including: guest speakers to speak about future Science Pathways, a range of exciting Science practical experiences and an incursion inviting students to learn about Hydrogen Fuel cell technologies to name but a few.
Also, we wish the Year 11 Studies of Religion II students and teachers all the best on their excursion to the Sydney Jewish Museum today. Thank you to the Religion Department for organising authentic learning experiences such as these as a part of the Teaching and Learning programs.
HSC Trial Examinations
As the HSC Trial Examinations conclude on Monday, I would like to congratulate our students for their hard work and focus during this period. Students should take the opportunity to engage with the valuable feedback that will come with the return of examination scripts over the next two weeks.
There are some valuable post HSC Trial Examination resources from Dr Prue Salter that our students can access. The link below offers a complimentary planning grid and videos to show Year 12 AFTER THE TRIALS / MOCKS about how to plan their study time between now and their final exams.
Username: 2024year12
Password: 2024year12
Year 11 Yearly Examinations
Students in Year 11 will be working towards their yearly examinations which occur at the end of this Term. To assist our students, we will be offering Year 11 HSC subject specific Tutorials which are outlined below.
Ms Mary Ryan will also be offering study sessions on writing for the HSC on Thursdays during Period 6. Please see her article below on signing up for this opportunity.
One of the most important aspects of this is to construct a study timetable and aim to stick to it at least 95% of the time. Students should aim to study on a ratio of 30-40 minutes every time they have a class in a certain subject. Most subjects run on four classes per week so this equates to two-three hours per subject per week.
Students should make sure that they have completed a study timetable such as this one from the Study Skills Website:
Students can use the following steps to build their schedule:
- Block out the times when they cannot study.
- Allocate each course a colour and find six to eight slots per subject – this may include study periods for senior students.
- Allocate a buffer zone of three to four slots.
- Make copies and stick in key areas such as above their desk.
During study times, students should complete activities such as:
- Set work
- Summarise study notes
- Completing practice papers
- Revision modules on Atomi or Edrolo.
Year 11 Writing Workshops
We are running a series of workshops designed to enhance English and writing skills as Year 11 students work toward their Preliminary Examinations. All students in Year 11 Standard and Advanced English courses are expected to attend these workshops at least once.
Students must register for these workshops which will be conducted in P6 on Thursday afternoons. Registrations will be capped at 25 students per workshop.
*Students are advised to check their email for notification of registration.
Details of the workshops are as follows:
Effective Academic Writing
Facilitator: Ms Mary Ryan – English Teacher and Head of Literacy
Time: P6 Thursday (Begins Thursday, 22 August, 2024)
Venue: K23
This workshop is relevant to all subjects which require the writing of long answer responses and extended responses.
Focus will be on the following:
- Writing effective paragraphs for different purposes
- Formulating an organised, logical argument with evidence and analytic discussion of the evidence
- Maintaining an academic tone through nominalisation
- Effective sentence and paragraph structure
- Expansion and precision using appropriate vocabulary.
Ms Mary Ryan
Literacy Coordinator and English teacher