Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
HSC kicks into Fifth Gear: A Final Push for Year 12
As Year 12 students approach the final stretch of the school year, it’s time to kick into 5th gear and focus on making these last five weeks count. This week, we welcomed Year 12 back to classes following the HSC Trial Examinations and Work Experience opportunities. Whether completing Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications or preparing for the Higher School Certificate (HSC), these upcoming weeks are crucial.
Finalising Competencies and Assessments
For those in HSC plus Vocational courses, it’s essential to finalise all competencies and assessment tasks. Your teachers need to sign off on your work and submit a mark for your HSC. This is not just a formality—it’s a key step in ensuring you complete your course successfully and attain your HSC credential.
Preparing for Apprenticeships and Work Experience
We recommend that our students begin working on resumes and draft cover letters. English Studies teachers will be more than happy to assist with this. Many of you will soon be moving into apprenticeships or work experience opportunities. Now is the time to showcase your skills by being proactive, reliable, and hardworking. Remember, word of mouth in your chosen industry is powerful, and the impression you leave now could influence future opportunities.
Making the Most of Trial Feedback
Starting this Friday, teachers will begin returning your Trial exam papers. Use the feedback wisely to improve. Remember, the feedback in examiners’ reports and any comments on scripts are really valuable, and respecting the work your teachers have put into them is important. Also, don’t forget to check out the Dr Prue Salter resources outline below which offer excellent advice on using feedback and planning your study timetable.
HSC Tutorials and Final Preparations
In the final week of this Term, after graduation, teachers will run HSC tutorials during scheduled class periods. These sessions are crucial, especially for subjects like the Sciences, where content is still being finalised. We know that our students will want to make the most of these opportunities.
Supporting Each Other and Sharing Resources
With the competition of rankings behind us, it’s more important than ever to support each other. Adding to the shared Year 12 Study Notes folder and making the most of study groups can be incredibly beneficial.
Finally, best of luck to those completing Major Performances, Projects and Works. Your hard work is about to pay off—let’s make these last five weeks count!
HSC Post Trial Study Skills Resources
There are some valuable post HSC Trial Examination resources from Dr Prue Salter that our students can access. The link below offers a complimentary planning grid and videos to show Year 12 AFTER THE TRIALS about how to plan their study time between now and their final exams.
Username: 2024year12
Password: 2024year12
Year 11 Yearly Examinations
As mentioned last week, students in Year 11 will be working towards their yearly examinations which occur at the end of this Term. We have been extremely impressed with the number of students in Year 11 who are signing up to these tutorials and taking all opportunities to move into the zone of marks with their study.
Like last week, here is a weekly study planner and steps to complete it below:
- Block out the times when they cannot study.
- Allocate each course a colour and find six to eight slots per subject – this may include study periods for senior students.
- Allocate a buffer zone of three to four slots.
- Make copies and stick in key areas such as above their desk.
During study times, students should complete activities such as:
- Set work
- Summarise study notes
- Completing practice papers
- Revision modules on Atomi or Edrolo.
One of the most important aspects of this is to construct a study timetable and aim to stick to it at least 95% of the time. Students should aim to study on a ratio of 30-40 minutes every time they have a class in a certain subject. Most subjects run on 4 classes per week so this equates to 2-3 hours per subject.
Ms Lynsey Porter
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
Sustainability Leadership Workshop at Taronga Zoo
We are excited to announce an exciting collaboration between Students of the World Ecology Group (SOTWEG) and St Catherine’s students.
Students from both schools attended a Sustainability Leadership Workshop where they heard from experts in conservation as well as from Sophia Skarparis, a Youth Conservationist of the Year who played a key role in banning single use plastic bags in New South Wales.
The workshop was designed to inspire and equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to lead sustainability initiatives both within their schools and in the broader community.
Their first leadership opportunity will be to inspire primary school students. They will be leading some creative workshops that will teach younger students about how to protect our land and sea. We will share with you more details in the near future, so watch this space!
Eco Conference at Edmund Rice College, West Wollongong
SOTWEG attended the annual Eco Conference at Edmund Rice College, West Wollongong. This annual event focuses on environmental awareness, sustainability practices, and innovative solutions to the challenges facing our planet.
The Eco Conference is a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the world of sustainability. This year’s theme, ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, REVOLUTIONISE’ brought together experts and young leaders from around the Illawarra area to share their knowledge and experiences.
A key highlight on the day for our students was making their own beeswax wrap – one sustainable solution to removing single use cling wrap!
SOTWEG meets every Tuesday at lunchtime in E04, come for some fun and at the same time, make a difference!
Ms Silvia Baylie
Engineering & Science Educator / Ecology Coordinator
Book Week Celebrations
Week 5 is when Australian National Book Week takes place via the Children’s Book Council of Australia. To mark the occasion we had all Years 8 and 9 students participate in a performance poetry event. The students were inspired and their writing horizons expanded thanks to our guest and award winning poet, Zohab Zee Khan.
This performance also supported our new Year 9 reading initiative where all Year 9 classes attended the library for a targeted reading of the Carnegie award-winning verse novel, Moonrise. This was conducted over Semester 1 in association with the College Literacy Coordinator, Ms Mary Ryan.
This year the theme for Book Week is Reading is Magic. Please share this magic with your sons and wider family and your wider community.
For a rich insight into the power of reading and literature, this recent Papal letter from Pope Francis will offer much inspiration. I thank Ms Ryan for sharing this letter.
Mr William Roberts
Head of Library Services