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From the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Lynsey Porter

Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Ms Lynsey Porter, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Deep Learning

“Imagine a world where students excel not just in learning but also in life. Now, imagine you can make it a reality.” – Quinn, J., McEachen, J., Fullan, M., Gardner, M., and Drummy, M. (2019). Dive into Deep Learning: Tools for Engagement (1st ed.). Corwin.

Our ongoing collaboration with the Association of Independent Schools on Deep Learning continues to grow and evolve this term. In response to the call to equip our students with essential global competencies—character, citizenship, creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking—we are actively integrating these skills into our teaching and learning programs alongside subject-specific content.

This term, several initiatives have been instrumental in developing our students’ sense of citizenship and their understanding of how to contribute empathetically to a better world. For example, a cross-curricular collaboration between Year 9 PDHPE and Science on the topic of ‘Diseases’ and an authentic task for Year 7 Mathematics, created in partnership with the Mathematics, Literacy, and Library Key Learning Areas, links directly to the College’s recent Cambodia immersion program, encouraging students to develop a global perspective.

Next Thursday, our Year 9 Commerce students will have the opportunity to showcase their creativity in the entrepreneurial challenge of Market Day. In this unit of work, students will design, promote, and operate a market stall for our community of students and teachers, fostering their entrepreneurial spirit.

We remain committed to embedding the six global competencies into meaningful learning experiences so that our students grasp their relevance in both local and global contexts.

Year 11 Writing Workshops

We are running a series of workshops designed to enhance English and writing skills as Year 11 students work toward their Preliminary Examinations. All students in Year 11 Standard and Advanced English courses are expected to attend these workshops at least once.

Students must register for these workshops which will be conducted in P6 on Thursday afternoons. Registrations will be capped at 20 students per workshop.

*Students are advised to sign up using the spreadsheet which has been shared.

Many students are on a waiting list and we will accommodate them over the next two weeks.

If students sign up, it is essential that they attend. Otherwise, it is requested that they remove their names from the spreadsheet to allow other students to register.

Details of the workshops are as follows:

Effective Academic Writing

Facilitator: Ms Mary Ryan – English Teacher and Head of Literacy

Time: P6 Thursday

Venue: K23

This workshop is relevant to all subjects which require the writing of long answer responses and extended responses.

Focus will be on the following:

  • Maintaining an academic tone through nominalisation
  • Effective sentence and paragraph structure
  • Expansion and precision using appropriate vocabulary.